I live in Bude, Mississippi. I am new to all this but I do know I want to start with assignments. Can someone please tell me how to put together a buyers list. I know this might sound like an excuse, but i researched rei clubs. the nearest club is 1.5 hours away and the other is 3 hours away.
hi im new too and im working on my, have patience and stay focus!!! Have you try craigslist.ocm, bandit signs,postcards,flyers,business cards, networking, word of mouth is the best and the newspaper, well hope that gave an idea and good luck and wish u the best!!!!
Thanks for the advice. I hadnt thought about bandit signs. Good advice. Good luck to you also
Ive been hitting the forclosure auctions at my local courthouse, there will be buyers there you can meet, who are friendly and ready to answer questions,after the auction, I tell them Im a new investor, and I specialize in finding good deals, then I hand them by bus card and ask them for theirs and would they mind if I sent them an email the next time I find one that meets their criteria,I get their info. and put them on my list. I was nervous at first but I go as often as I can so that other investors get used to seeing me there, then its easier to strike up a conversation with them, its about making friends and building relationships. its easier than I thought it would be.
hi tom me too im nervous but thats my next thing cauze thats what jeff jensen said that, to go to the auctions and not to be afraid and i guess i just gotta practice on what to say but when i talk to one of those buyers....
Hello Mr. Marshall,
There are very ways in which to find or add Buyers to your Buyers list.
In addition to the ones mentioned above, you can also search or place an AD on searchtempest.com or backpage.com. (There are so much more, but those are good place to start) For your bandit signs, you can go to banditsigns.com, or you may even go to your local shop to bargain a few or get the blank (yellow) signs with the iron staves and hand-write them with a black marker.
There is always going to be some type of expense no matter what, but you can always stick to a budget. I say a small expense because you will need to purchase the supplies in order to still market on a small budget...but it can be done. Business cards are good to hand out using vistaprint.com, you can print flyers on your computer as well. Do these yourselves until you are able to use a paid source.
I do understand about the reia clubs, because not everyone is able to attend their local reia club even due to family or work obligations, although that is the best place to go. It is not your only source, so you have to make sure you are marketing effectively with the other options.
Call every "For Rent" signs and it could possibly be a landlord or an investor who is always looking for more homes to buy. GoSection8.com is a good source as well for finding landlords, using a few steps.
There are so many ways, but I'll stop there for now. Let me know if you have any questions.

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~Dr. Martin Luther King
If your REI club is too far away, they will still have a website-use it/network.
Bandit signs work, but they're getting old.
Go to your phone book/classified ads and look for house for rent,fsbo,I buy houses, LLC's courthouse records on properties sold, ads that have multiple properties for rent, attend foreclosure auctions and talk to the bidders(are cash buyers) before or after the auction. Look on your county/city websites tax assessors and find multiple owners of properties, these are investors.
Under Deans chin at the top of the page, type in 'find buyers' and hit enter.
Do your homework and read, study and read some more.
Everywhere you go, let ppl know what you do and who you are. When you go by a construction site remodeling a house, stop in and ask who is the owner, they're probably an investor.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
Some other ways.
You could check your local home improvement stores. They may have someone that works with contractors / and or investors. They may be able to point you to investors.
Watch the local newspaper. Keep an eye out for home sales listings, homes that have sold (person A sold to person B). Coming across the same name a few times should hint at an investor. Keeping this list over time should cause your buyers list grow.
According to Matt Larson, get ahold of your Realtor. Have them send you a list of MLS listings that have sold in the Last 90 days. These homes should have been paid for with cash. (there's a field on MLS listings that have for example: FHA, cash / conventional, etc. Focus on the cash purchases.)
Contact property managers. They have to work for somebody. You can see if they'll pass your information on to their employers.
There's more ways of course, these are just the ones that came to mind.
The more thorough the question, the more thorough the answer.
Please fill out your profile with as much info as you're comfortable with.
Right in DG you can network with buyers who buys property in your area. There are some on here buys property all over the United States. You can start RIGHT HERE. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
you had mentioned that the nearest reic is 1.5 hours away. Try these websites to locate clubs in your area: www.reiclub.com, www.reiclubdirectory.com, www.creonline.com, www.meetup.com. These are great websites to start with. Also, another great site to connect with buyers is on www.****. Private auctions are another little hidden secret - go to www.williamsauction.com http://www.auction.com to find private auctions. Also...online classified ads like www.craigslist.com You can call on ads as well as post ads. Your buyers list is so important - its worth spending a little time to build your list to a minimum of 10 before turning your focus on locating properties. Your buyers list is something that you NEVER stop adding too, 10 years from now you will still be adding to your buyers list.
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I've been to auction too at the courthouse .i too was nerves what get too me is that when the property goes back to benny (the bank) and i don't have the cash to start with. most of the investor i have seen Are not to eager to help for a person just starting out $5.000.00.an impossible sum to raise.just for the down payement i have back off from this and choose to do finders for a fee.i find it and you buy it.again just starting out with this one and working with a realtor.good luck too you.and much success with forclosers there are plenty of them in my area.
PLEASE click the 'Start here FAQs' in the upper left corner in MAIN SECTION and you will find the answers
just another way here on this site is to click on the REI groups/clubs in the upper left under MAIN SECTION and check your area and network
place RENT TO OWN bandit signs - alot of FSBO are investors/buyers
Renters- apt bldgs can yield plenty of buyers who now rent
Flyers in laundry mats, grocery stores, etc...'tired of renting- buy now'
Courthouse records of owners with multiple properties
call FOR RENT signs...you think they are investors/buyers....yeah
UNDER DEANS chin (upper left) enter 'buyers list' and hit enter. Jeff Jenson and others have a list of over 50 ways or more to BUILD your buyers list.
LEARN how to use this great site that DEAN has provided. THANKS DEAN !!
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools