Hello DG family,
I wanted to share this with you because I know how INTIMIDATING it is when first starting out and having to build the dreaded buyer's list. This was something that was completely new to me, and I, like a lot of you are going through right now, was SCARED to build my list! I look back and laugh now, but I 100% remember the feelings I went through and what I had to go through to finally get that first buyer on my list.

So, this post is to encourage and motivate you, and know that WE ALL have all those feelings you're going through, but once you connect with a few buyers, it gets SO much easier!

When I first read Dean's book and was told I need to build a buyer's list first, I was petrified. I had read it over and over and thought, oh no, this is awful! I had those 'no no' thoughts and words go through my mind repeatedly 'how am I going to do this?'; so much so that I waited an entire 6 MONTHS before I finally was brave enough to do it. I know, that sounds really silly, doesn't it? But, I share because I understand completely the intimidation factor.

My fears stemmed from having my 4 kids home with me, and all the noise and interruptions in the background, I felt I'd come across SO unprofessional that no one was going to take me serious. I also struggled with WHAT DO I SAY to them, all too well already KNOWING what I'm supposed to say to them, but just freezing up and telling myself I didn't know what to say even though I did.

So, after I joined the SA, it was about 3 months before I got the courage to overcome the fear. I had posted several ads on CL over and over and every time I got a lead or a number, I'd rationalize about WHY I couldn't call back and what a fool I'd sound like. And I lost all those leads

When I finally got the courage to step outside that comfort zone that was fencing me in, my heart was pounding and I'm sure I stuttered and forgot what I was saying while talking on the phone. But, when the call was over, the reality hit me, hey, that wasn't so bad! Each time I did it, I improved and eventually I didn't even think about it any more.

It took a lot of self talk and convincing myself; and overcoming that fear is what was the thing that held me back the most when I started using Dean's techniques. So here is what I want you to do if you are in the same boat as I was.

JUST DO IT! I PROMISE you, no matter what happens, you will find out that you can get over the that intimidation after a few calls. And you will begin to feel comfortable and soon enough you will have a list. Go out and DO it! TODAY. RIGHT NOW! That's all it takes. MAKING UP YOUR MIND to just DO IT! And then let no thoughts that come into your mind take you off your mission. JUST DO IT!


Fay.... and taking baby steps

Exactly, you are right on track. Its all the small steps that add up to the big results! Keep going and keep on TAKING ACTION. Don't stop and go forth to SUCCESS!!!

Every Day in every WAY I am getting BETTER AND BETTER!!!

faygrad wrote:
Thanks for your encouraging words.
I'm thinking baby steps...doing one
action step a day, one call. Feels
great to finally take action!

Information Overload

Information overload is very real NelZion! Begin by taking one step at a tie. Start by calling or advertising in an area you're not interested in, and learn to talk to people by practicing on them. This way, you'll get over your fears by practicing and not risk your fears on investors in your area. And who knows, you may meet other investors and buyers and have a wonderful conversation.

Every day in every way I am getting better and better! Smiling

NelZion wrote:
Thank you Tammy for sharing your personal feelings and experiences!
I have just started and I'm in that same situation. I believe the information overload has caused the fear where I just don't know where to begin. I can clearly observe how I occupy myself with other things so that I don't have to face the fear of getting busy with REI but I am miserable at my job and know that something needs to change FAST. That fear is paralyzing and down right sucks.
Who can delivery us from this fear Puzzled


Tammy My fear it exactly that the buyers list , I do not know enough to talk to them as if I know what I'am doing I don't wont to come across stupid and blow my chance !!


First, you have to overcome the word 'stupid'. Noone is going to think you are stupid. You can always say I am a newer investor and am learning new things every day. If they ask a question you don't know the answer to, you can say, I'll find that answer out for you and call you back.

If you sincere and genuine, people are going to be receptive to you. So, first you have to clear your mindset from thinking negative thoughts like that!

Second, the only legitimate fear to have is fear of not doing enough. I say this A LOT! But its true. I had to overcome the fear of sounding unprofessional, just like you are going to have to overcome the fear of sounding like you don't know what you're doing. But, honestly, there are investors that may take you under their wings if you take initiative and talk to them and let them know you are new to this, but you are determined and will persist until you succeed. There is no one that will look down on that, they will applaud you!

I have a couple of forms on my website for property locators. I get a lot of forms filled out. But, I intentionally don't call them back; I want to see if they will follow up with me and step outside their comfort zone. I want a go getter; someone who is going to go in and do it afraid and despite not knowing anything, is sincere and open about where they are. THOSE are the people I want on my team Smiling Anyone can fill out a form on the internet. But, to make that call and go outside the comfort zone takes another step in the right direction. If they can do THAT, I know they'll make a great team member.

BTW, only ONE person has done that for bird dogging; and then another two who wanted to be an intern with me. THOSE were the people I took under my wing. Were they afraid, OH YES! But they didn't want anything to stop them from taking the next step. The ones who will succeed will just do it no matter how outside their comfort zone it is.

I have always been very afraid to approach new people; whether on the phone or in person, or even online. The intimidation factor is very real, I understand that. But, you have to ask yourself; what is goign to take me places? Living behind the fear and intimidation, or stepping outside my comfort zone and DOING IT AFRAID as Carol Stinson says. Just DO IT AFRAID! I promise, it WILL get easier! You can start by looking for buyers on my $5K challenge, which is still going one ( This will help you get your feet wet and TAKE action. When you get calls, JUST answer the phone! Don't even give yourself a chance to THINK about it!



Great post !! Yes EVERYONE I believe has that same fear when they r starting out because they/we think we need to know it all. You are right we need to just DO IT with the knowledge that we DO HAVE and things will HAPPEN for us that would not happen if we didn't take action. We are lucky enough to have this site and wonderful people such as yourself to PUSH and TEACH and share what they learn so others realize that they too can make real estate be the path to amazing success. Awesome sharing Tammy !!!


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you're doing great!

Tammy - you are an inspiration to everyone! I'm so proud of you! I have loved getting to know you and look forward to more! Stay positive and Keep moving forward!




"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Keep pushing forward!

Never let ANYTHING intimidate you. PUSH FORTH and do everything so you don't ever have to ask yourself 'Did I do enough to assure my success?'.

Thank you Jay! Karen, great to see you posting on my thread! I look forward to working with you!