Hello all,

I am currently in the process of setting up my free customizable website which comes as a free resource w/ 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now'. I was hoping for any advice or ideas, preferably from an experienced point of view. However, any input is appreciated. Smiling

For anyone who doesn't already know about this, the link follows:

Anyone who has bought 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now' has access to this great free resource. If you haven't already set 1 up, I recommend doing so.

There is a basic design script in place already. You simply fill in a few blanks and you have a very basic site offering information for buyers and sellers.
(URL Ex:

You'll want to personalize your site to your specific wants/needs. But its a great starting point, seeing how its yet another, free service offered by Dean and his staff.

I partially wanted to shine some light on this subject, as I haven't seen this topic discussed anywhere since I joined. I also was hoping for information from anyone who has already done this themselves, or anyone who has relative knowledge.

Are there popular color schemes which will look most professional, or which encourage trust/faith? Popular images to same effect?

Anyone willing to glance at what I have so far and provide feedback, negative or positive, would be appreciated. It isn't much yet, Ive only just started in the last few hours, but again any input is helpful.

URL follows: HTTP://

Thank you in advance to anyone who gives criticism. Smiling



Congratulations on getting Dean's book and starting your website. I believe it looks really good and I am sure you will make improvements or think of other things as time goes on. I believe the less graphics the better because some people do not want to wait to have pages load with great graphics. The principle here may be to keep it simple. The important thing is your taking action and getting the word out that you are an investor. Pretty soon the deals will be coming your way. Thanks for posting the information and good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling Indiana-Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


Thank you (as always!) for your quick and positive feedback. I really do appreciate it. You've been a valuable asset since I joined this site. More often then not you are the 1st, sometimes the only, person to answer my question(s)!
So thank you very much Joe! Good luck to you as well!


Thanks so much for this post. I just started setting up my website and am having a great time customizing it.


Not a problem at all, glad I can help!


Thanks so much Mike for this info. Computers are not my strong point. So any help on this matter is great. Thanks again! Much success.......Lubertha




Glad I can be of some help. I don't have a whole lot of experience w/ designing websites, but if you have any questions I'll be glad to help if at all possible. Smiling

Thanks so much

Your support is valued..........Lubertha




Hi guys, I am new too! my question is if some body wants to go on my web page they would have to type www.(my name) it is going to look like that?



Hi again!

Hi again! I am trying to built the website but I don't understand a couple of things,what does it mean, website title: what should i put in it? also company name: what is an Inc should i put it at the end of the company name? and also guys subheader: what should i put in here, may be in what specializing? thank you so much!



Yes, link will look as you asked. For example, mine is: HTTP://

I will continue to use my page as an example.

Website title: New Hampshire Real Estate Investments
Company name: I left blank, as I do not currently have one.
Subheader: Catering to YOUR specific needs as a BUYER, SELLER, or INVESTOR!

Now, with that said, take a quick look at my website. Do you see how things are laid out, after filling in the blanks? My site is obviously not done, but I hope this helps you get yours started at least.

Good luck and anything else, feel free to ask. I will help to the best of my capabilities.


Hey Everyone,
I am new to the REI world, but am very excited to be getting in on this whole new experience. I decided that the first thing I needed to do is get my flyers and business cards done and get my website set up.

I'm also fairly new to this site and trying to set up my website as well. I am way too computer illiterate to do this without lots of help. So anyone who is good with websites thank you for your help. I will be following this thread to get mine set up.

Mike, you have just saved me a lot of problems by posting this. Thanks so much.



********** Take control of your life so no one else can. ***********


Glad that I can be of some help. If you get stuck or have any questions, don't hesitate to post. I will do my best to help in any way possible, and if I can't help you, stand assured, there is someone here who can.Smiling

Good luck!

Good topic Mike

I started my site a few weeks ago. Now I am concentrating on getting some homes to put on there.
Rey, the subheader should be a simple line of what you are trying to get accross to people who visit the site. Mine is "Helping People Through Real Estate". Simple and truthful because that is what I hope to accomplish.
I came up with the name Bess by putting the first initial of my 4 kids' names.
(Brendan, Erica, Shannon, Stephen) Funny it worked out oldest to youngest.

Mike what part of NH are you from? Used to have buddies in Plaistow and Atkinson. Have family in Alton Bay.

Stephen from MA


I'm living in the Bedford/Merrimack area (southern NH). I'm pursuing REI in the Manchester-Nashua region. Manchester, Bedford, Merrimack and Nashua, including surrounding towns. Hopefully, things will pick up momentum SOON!

Where in MA are you from? I have family in Newton, so I'm down that way often.

Good luck!

South Shore

Hey Mike,
I am in Whitman. Right next to Brockton and East Bridgewater. Looking around South Shore from Brockton down as far as Plymouth. Grew up in Revere though so after a few deals I can look around Lynn/Saugus/Revere way up North Shore too. Finding alot of foreclosures here but they all seem to need a ton of work. Trying to build up my buyers' list and do some assignments/double closings first. Then I'll be able to renovate and flip or hold.



Thanks Mike! I understand it now, your website looks good! I am going to do mine this weekend.

God bless



Thanks for the feedback. That sounds great. I'm going w/ pretty much the same game plan, just working to get the ball rolling. From the looks of things, foreclosures are about the same in my area. I'll know for sure as I spend more time looking on the market.

Thanks and good luck!Smiling


Glad to be of some help! If you have any other questions or need advice feel free to ask. If I can't help you, stand assured, there is someone here who can.

Thanks for the feedback and good luck!Smiling


I'm in Cape Cod, MA!

Hi again Mike, it is very

Hi again Mike, it is very hot here in Texas, I went out today looking for houses and got back home with a nice peruvien, anyway, I have a question I am trying to find the "sellers residential property disclosure statement in the DG website but I could not find it, is it under another name? or is there any other contract that I can use instead? also, the regular contract to purchase a house in DG website is the want that say " purchase and sale agreement?" or "agreement to purchase" which sounnd the same to me, I guess. thanks again Mike talk to you later and God bless.



Hi Rey,

Did you work on your website yet? I can't wait to see it.



In reference to the Seller Residential Property Disclosure Statement, are you talking about a Property Disclosure Notice? If so, see: If that is not what you are looking for, let me know and I will try to help you further.

As far as Purchase and Sale Agreement vs. Agreement to Purchase, I cannot say positively that I am right, but, I believe that the Agreement to Purchase is more in-depth then the Purchase and Sale Agreement. They seem to be, to me atleast, structurally similar. Both are contracts between Seller and Buyer. It does appear that the Agreement to Purchase is much more detailed then the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

I hope this helps. Anything further, feel free to ask. As I said, if I can't help you, I guarantee there is someone here who can and will!

Good luck! Smiling


Hi Paul, hope you are having a great day! I still working on the website, I had a few questions before starting the website, I think I am ready now! what about you? what plans do you have for this amazing business?



Hi Mike, hope you are having a great day! I noticed that you are helping a lot of people with their question, great Mike! thank you again for your help, it really did, yeah "the sellers residential property disclosure statement" in DG book profit from real estate,page 258 at the very bottom, letter d) sellers residential property disclosure statement, (it also talks about the paint in the house)

Thanks Mike.



Glad that I can be of some help. The Property Disclosure Notices link, from my previous post, is also in the book. It is on page's 160-161 of 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now.'

I hope that is what you where looking for.

Good luck! Smiling

Hi again!

Hi Mike, I was reading the Disclosure statement you send me from DG website and he mention a lot the presence of lead-based paint hazards, I couldn't find any part he mention about when the seller lets any prospective buyer know of any issues with the home, such as leaks, bad appliances, cracks in foundation, liens or whatever they know. Is it the same as the property disclosure notice? thanks again Mike for your help!



I apologize, I was not as thorough as I could have been. I just realized that the link I posted is not the same Disclosure Statement as is in 'Profit From Real Estate Right Now'. In the book, Dean gives us an example of a Disclosure Statement, which he had used previously. However, it is obviously not a contract.

I cannot currently find a thorough Property Disclosure Notice, but, I am looking. If anyone can step in here and help, I would appreciate it. You definitely want a Disclosure Statement that will be signed by both parties. It is always good to CYA and certainly better safe then sorry.

Also, you will want a contingency in your Purchase Agreement, which states that: Contract is contingent upon Buyer getting a home inspection AND then doing a walk thru follow-up inspection, the day of closing. That way you can back out of the Purchase Agreement if the property needs more work then originally anticipated. Also, you can make sure that the property is still in the inspected condition, by doing the walk thru follow-up inspection right before closing.

I hope that this is helpful, I'm sorry that I cannot give a definitive answer.

Good luck! Smiling

Thanks Mike, it helped a

Thanks Mike, it helped a lot, I will talk to you soon and God bless! if you need anything just let me know.



Glad to be of service, same to you. Smiling

Good luck! Smiling


Thanks Rey ! I am still working on my website and hopefully will be done in the next few days. I have big plans in this business and hopefully will be able to network with others all over the USA. Just have faith and we all can do it. Smiling

Warm regards,


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