Door Knocking Technique

Door Knocking Technique

Door Knocking

If someone put a gun to my head and told me that I had 30 days to do a deal or I would die, I would spend the next month door knocking. This is the quickest, cheapest and easiest way to find deals. It is also the method investors use least. Before I tell you how to properly door knock, let me dispel any fears you may have.

In all the times I have been door knocking, I have never had a gun pulled on me, been screamed at, or been threatened in any manner. The worst thing that has ever happened to me was that people were rude to me. They told me to leave, or not come by again and that's it. So right now, get rid of any notion that something bad may happen. Actually, because of the method I use when knocking on doors, the opposite happens. Most people are very friendly. People love to talk and will tell you all types of information about their neighbors such as who has a house to sell, who's going through a divorce and who is facing foreclosure. Many times the problem becomes spending too much time at one house and having the person talk your ear off.

Here is How to Properly Door Knock:

Pick your target market. Make sure you are knocking on bread and butter houses, typically 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.

Dress business casual. Do not overdress and look like some slick salesperson.

Go knocking during the week between the hours of 5-7pm.

If you are a male, try and take a female with you. People are less intimidated by women than men. If a man shows up at the door they immediately put up their guard. If a woman is with you, however, they are more relaxed and friendly.

Knock on the door and then take a step back, so that you are not crowding the person when they answer the door.

Say this magic phrase, every time "Hi, we are looking to buy some houses in this area and are wondering if you know of anybody in your neighborhood that was looking to sell their house"

Use good judgment when people invite you into the house. If you feel uncomfortable at all, don't go in the house.

Be consistent. Make sure that you speak to at least 15 people every time that you set out door knocking. You will most likely have to knock on between 30-50 doors. Do not go home until you have hit the 15 people mark.

Don't get offended if people are rude to you. Never argue, just leave. Kill them with kindness and always be polite.

Be prepared for when people invite you in, or want to sell the house. Carry a notepad and a pen with you and that's it. I prefer carrying a yellow legal pad.

I know that most of you are going to read this and do nothing. Ninety-nine percent of investors do not go door knocking and that is why there is so little competition for deals.

Most people are not willing to do the hard work that it takes to become successful in this business.

Since people feel more comfortable in pairs, I recommend finding a door knocking partner. At one of your local real estate investor monthly meetings start networking and find a partner with whom to go knocking. There are plenty of people who are afraid to go alone and would love to have a partner.

If you have not done your first deal, or if you have not closed a deal in a while, then go door knocking consistently and get a deal in the next 30 days.

by Jason Hanson




Interesting concept

Hi Sissy! Smiling

Have you ever tried this?



Hi Angela
Yes I have door knocked before and found many great leads. Also the neighbors know everything about any vacant house within a block of their home. You can find out much about what is going on in a neighborhood by door knocking. Actually 2 of my wholesale deals came from door knocking and the neighbor telling all about the vacant houses.




Great timing

I don't have a gun to my head but I do have the desire to make deals. Thanks for the great advise and technique. I am going to try this to find a deal that I can lock up and assign.


Great idea. The only problem is it ties up a lot of your time. What I've done is hire some college kids at 10.00 hr ( you'd be surprised at how many people the can talk to in an hour ) to do the knocking for me. Then I take all the information they have gathered ( I train them what to look for and give them a list of questions to ask ) and decide which deals I want to pursue.
However, I should tell you, because I believe in being honest, that I have just started this idea so have no results or deals to share.

In My Opinion (& What Do I Know?) It's Not Safe In Today's World

Allow me, just for a second, to play the Devil's Advocate ...

I am sooooo glad that you have never had a bad experience (except people sometimes being rude) but that's really not a scientific study about it being safe.

I think it's sort of like someone saying: "I'm an excellent driver, and I can prove it because I've never had an accident in my life." Unfortunately -- it doesn't mean you couldn't be killed in one tomorrow.

Crap happens. Things spiral out of control. It is not always our fault. But it's our duty not to put ourselves at risk, if possible.

In today's world -- it seems like asking for trouble to go knocking on doors and entering the houses of strangers who "seem" harmless. With a little bit of imagination, it's easy to know that ANYTHING could happen. Anyone who 'door knocks' often enough is definitely pressing their luck.

A potential lead is not worth it, in my "call me a scaredy-cat if you need to" opinion.

We may not instantly feel uncomfortable upon a door opening, once the door is shut and locked behind us --- it could be a different story.

So, politely, I beg to disagree that it's a great idea or technique ... simply because of safety. Times have just changed.

If you "must" do it (because your mouse is not working, or the library has burned down, or people to talk to have left all conceivable public places) then absolutely go with a partner. At least, then, you have a fighting chance if something goes awry.

And, if things really go wrong, always urinate in the crime scene to leave your DNA behind and ensure the villain eventually gets caught. (Okay, fine, maybe I watch too much television!) Smiling

~ Sherri

P.S. When you hire and send naive college kids into someone else's home, and they get hurt, guess who gets sued?

Different Strokes...

for different folks.

Sure, I would guess that there are some places that ANYONE would be silly to go door to door and, I would hope and assume that most adults would have enough common sense to know that.

People go door to door - even today - for all kinds of things and this would be something that you'd have to decide is right for you or not.

It IS a method that can be used - you just must decide if it's a method for YOU to use or not.

I read antoher thread on here not too long ago about using other people (they didn't say if they were college kids or not) that were supposed to be gathering information (I think it was door to door too) but, low and behold, they weren't doing the deed.

So, even with that approach, there CAN be potential problems.

I will say this on doorknocking though --- for me, if someone that I don't know is coming up my walk to knock on my door, I don't want to talk to them. Maybe that's just me but, I don't know them and I didn't invite them and I don't want to "buy" whatever they're "selling".

Even if they AREN'T selling anything, that is what I am already thinking.

I'm thinking Sissy has obvioulsy - as she said - had some success in this area and it has worked for her.

Anytime someone has a method that works isn't it great that they share it with the rest of us?

And finally on doorknocking....

Me? I'd rather eat a live frog than to knock doors! Eye-wink



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Door knocking

The place I door knock are areas that I consider safe. In very ran down areas I will always send a letter to the owners. I would never send a college kid out to do work that I need to do myself...they wouldn't know how to talk "off the cuff" so to speak. Sometimes you have to ask questions that may be off the normal to find out the answers you need.
As far as getting a college kid to hang door knocker on nice apartment complexes and in safe areas I would go for that. I never want to be responsible for a kid geting into a unsafe would have to be me, not a kid.




Door knocking

I forgot to tell you I didn't write this article...but I do some door knocking time to time. I do agree that todays world is not safe like it was some time ago. You really have to watch it nowdays.

Grazi2Graziosi wrote:
Allow me, just for a second, to play the Devil's Advocate ...

I am sooooo glad that you have never had a bad experience (except people sometimes being rude) but that's really not a scientific study about it being safe.

I think it's sort of like someone saying: "I'm an excellent driver, and I can prove it because I've never had an accident in my life." Unfortunately -- it doesn't mean you couldn't be killed in one tomorrow.

Crap happens. Things spiral out of control. It is not always our fault. But it's our duty not to put ourselves at risk, if possible.

In today's world -- it seems like asking for trouble to go knocking on doors and entering the houses of strangers who "seem" harmless. With a little bit of imagination, it's easy to know that ANYTHING could happen. Anyone who 'door knocks' often enough is definitely pressing their luck.

A potential lead is not worth it, in my "call me a scaredy-cat if you need to" opinion.

We may not instantly feel uncomfortable upon a door opening, once the door is shut and locked behind us --- it could be a different story.

So, politely, I beg to disagree that it's a great idea or technique ... simply because of safety. Times have just changed.

If you "must" do it (because your mouse is not working, or the library has burned down, or people to talk to have left all conceivable public places) then absolutely go with a partner. At least, then, you have a fighting chance if something goes awry.

And, if things really go wrong, always urinate in the crime scene to leave your DNA behind and ensure the villain eventually gets caught. (Okay, fine, maybe I watch too much television!) Smiling

~ Sherri

P.S. When you hire and send naive college kids into someone else's home, and they get hurt, guess who gets sued?





We door knock on specific addresses only of course. I know some very successful pre foreclosure investors that say(and I agree 100%) if you are not on the phone and door knocking, talking directly with homeowners than you aren't in the pre foreclosure business. No mailer or postcard could possibly be as effective! You MUST have your self together and know how to approach them. One way we know does NOT work is "Hi, I'm an investor and we can buy your house" There is a science to it for sure and no one script works, all people are different!
We train our door knockers and give them there leads, we follow up with them and go over what happened at each address and train them further until they are competent. Do they make mistakes? Yes. Do they learn more than any website or seminar can teach? Yes! We use husband and wife teams that know the basics and then they learn the real world by getting out there and door knocking!

Phone Calls and Door Knocking WORKS!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Jeffrey Dahmer Lived In A Lovely Neighborhood At Times ...

Enough said ...

Mike (mspillman)

That's rough! They probably don't taste like chicken when alive.

~ S

Jeff was 1 out of 280 million, good line though! HA HA

My mouse has yet to get a contract signed with a distressed home owner! I have signed multiple contracts sitting at the home owners kitchen table after talking to them for several hours!
Always door knock in pairs and in day time hours. In my opinion, sitting at home, or the library, behind a computer ain't gonna get it done. It is a good way to avoid actually talking with PEOPLE! And like they say, this is a people business! Of course we do mailers and phone calls if we can find there number. When we get no response from our mailers do we give up? NO, WE DOOR KNOCK!

Good luck and be brave little ones! I have not heard of one of us being eaten yet. Maybe a leg chewed off by a pit bull but that's all!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

I Never Advocated Avoiding Talking To People

I talk to everybody, ad nauseum.

I'm just not going inside their homes blindly in 2010 and beyond.

So, I'd be kicked out of the Jehovah's Witnesses on Day 1 ...

(Glad you enjoyed my Jeff comeback !!!)

By the way, as a licensed (pre-internet) Realtor, canvassing door-to-door

was the only way ... and I did it faithfully and successfully.

My whole point is that times have gotten considerably uglier.

We live in an age where people stick people with syringes for fun.

And cut babies out of people's body ... and all sorts of other sick sports.

To each his own ... Different individuals have different boundaries.

I'd never do door-to-door now --- and shyness has never been a factor for me.

Especially as a single female, some things simply feel off limits safety-wise.

(Incidentally, crimes indoors are not confined to night time. Watch the news.)

Pit Bull....

I DID think one was going to jump the fence on me the other day while looking at a property.
He was probably thinking I might taste like chicken.



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Door knocking

I would never do door to door myself. Why would anyone waste so much time? We target people in pre foreclosure. FSBOs, for rent. People that we would have a reason to door knock and we have their address in advance!
I think media has played a huge part in turning people against each other and making some live in fear of their brothers and sisters. People used to talk and visit with their neighbors, kids would play out side all day. There were just as many crazies back then, you just did not get blasted by news from all over the country in an instant (only bad or sensational news at that!)
Anyway, our door knockers work in teams, in day light and go to specific addresses. We have a much higher success ratio (getting a house under contract) This way that just relying on a mailer or a website! More for us!

Good luck to all and Mike you do not taste like chicken!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


Instead of knocking on strangers'doors; why not put your info on index cards
and put them in mailboxes in a specific area or where there are a lot of
boxes in one place, say an apartment complex where you might make contact
with renters looking to buy a house or else just to make yourself known to
potential buyers or sellers of properties.
Walking around will allow you to pass lots of mailboxes.
Just a suggestion. Thanks.

Putting things in people's mailboxes....

is illegal, IF I have my facts right. From what I have heard a long time that putting ANYTHING (flyers, etc.) in someone's mailbox is against the 'rules'.

Newspaper box next to the mailbox? Different story.

Let's be careful out there.


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Mike is right

Putting information in peoples mail boxes is illegal according to the USPS. But they told me that you can put information ON mailboxes as long as you do no damage to the persons mailbox.




yeah..but you're not the one

yeah..but you're not the one doing the door knocking are you?...its someone you paid to go do it....if its works soooo well why don't you get out there and do it yourself? you said sitting behind a computer and clicking on a mouse doesn't get you anywhere...but yet isnt that how you found the houses in the first place hmmm you're not making any sense......and if you sent out a postcard and letters to the homeowner and they didn't respond to you....what does that tell you.....THEIR NOT INTERESTED....the last thing they want is some idiot knocking on their door pestering them while their eating their dinner.....i also get the feeling you must go through scores and scores of door knockers as probably most quit....because i know myself and many others wouldn't even think about wasting their time doing it for a single second.....

People Are Quick To Announce What Other's Fear

The whole door knocking thing is a "to each his/her own" issue.

I have no statistics on what marketing results it yields, or does not yield.
Often times, the person knocking is actually the perpetrator -- according to reports.

And sure, the media has played a huge part in sensationalizing events for ratings, but they don't CREATE the events. Times have changed. (Repeat: Times have changed.) We don't live in a leave-your-door-unlocked-or-open world anymore. The same caution that causes people to barricade themselves in their homes should be applied to those who randomly consider entering. Unlike the game show where you will merely get a good laugh -- you really don't know what's behind Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3.

For those who are comfortable to trespass by invitation of an unexpected opened door, so be it. (Whether that behavior is naive ... that's open for endless discussion.)

I can only speak for myself. Anyone who comes to my door uninvited and hopes for me to interact with them had better be riding in the PUBLISHER'S CLEARINGHOUSE VAN !!!

No, I don't have fear of knocking on doors -- and definitely not one of TALKING TO STRANGERS ... but do I want to be enclosed in a stranger's house, on their turf, to get a possible sales lead? Uh, no.

~ S

P.S. My wager is on Mike tasting like chuck roast, instead of chicken.

keep digging (for reasons why nothing works!)

I do go through a lot of door knockers because of the 90/10 rule. Only 10 % are motivated, the other 90% fall in your category. The reason I don't do it myself (I did at first) is called delegation! I have the job of locating the leads and finding phone numbers then assigning them to be called or mailed to. Plus working REO offers, looking at properties, figuring repair costs ect. None of which can be done behind a computer! When my doorknockers get an appointment I go and try to get the property locked up. So as you(well maybe not you)can see there is no way to do it all myself. That is way beyond your small time defeatist attitude! Go wallow in your own negativity! People here are in to success not pre assumed failure!
Also a large percentage of mailers don't get read! This is a known fact. That is why we follow up. It takes organized marketing and hard work to find these leads. By the way and once again finding the properties does not get them under contract! Like I have said before some people are better off working a JOB.
One last thing, we have a very high rate of success door knocking at specific addresses with the right introduction. People don't want to be bothered and a lot of people in pre foreclosure are in denial. They want to and need to be helped, you just have to know what to say when you introduce yourself. Be compassionate and try to help them even if they don't want to sell. We have helped many people do what they need to do and have not made a penny doing it. We do the right thing, maybe thats why homeowners talk with us most of the time. We do get "no thanks, or "its taken care of" or "its already sold"
Once in a while they close the door in our face. Do we give up and crawl home in defeat? No! We follow up. How in the world can you make an offer on a FSBO or pre foreclosure or any dealings directly with the homeowner with out seeing the property anyway??

Give it up keep digging, you already know it won't work!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


You are right about a woman door knocking by her self. That could be asking for trouble. We go only to houses that are in pre forclosure or FSBO. However how many distressed home owners are mass murderers? What are the odds of that? We let them know we work for a team and the team knows what they are doing and where they are. But as you stated, door knocking is not for every one. Believe me when I tell you the world is full of good people. The reason it has changed is we don't care about one another any more and we isolate our selves! Then evil prevails!
Anyway, which ever strategy you choose you will do well, I can tell you have a can do attitude with how you are approaching probates! I am going to expand into that area myself.

Good luck in all you do!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


Mucho Gracias ...

Going to let you officially take over writing my horoscope !!! Smiling

And true --- the world is full of good people --- no argument.

Evidence of it is here on this website.

We are a (sometimes bickering) family who care about one another.

"You started it. I did not. You did so !!!"

And I hope to have some great success stories to tell you soon about probates.

Very glad to hear "you" are expanding in that direction ...

It will be rewarding !!!


~ S

Door Knocking Update

I just had to post this! I usually don't post my deals but with this thread I think it will encourage some people to take action.
On August 1st I assigned one of my door knocking couples an address to visit. We could not contact him by phone and we had no response to our mailers. So my guys contacted him on their second visit . The first time no one was home so they left a sticky note on the front door as they have been trained. The note just says Hi George, came by and no one was home please call me at 11111111. The note does not mention anything about their property. They got a call and went by to see him. He says he wants to sell and wants out now! I research the property, check comps etc. This is a nice house in a very nice area!
My guys call me and set up an appointment where we can all get together at the property(today at 4:00). I look it over and determine it needs $35,000 re model to up date the property and bring it up to an ARV of $280,000. I offered him $150,000 and he accepted and signed the contract. I did not even list this property on my website! I made 2 phone calls to two buyers and who ever gets here first and signs the assignment contract gets it!!! Buy price from me?? $170,000!!! I pay my sub contracted door knockers 25% so they made
$5,000 and I'll make $15,000.
If I had relied on the phone or my mailers I would have lost $15,000!

I just smiled ear to ear as I drove out of this guys driveway! He's happy, my buyer will be happy, my door knocking couple(they are getting married in SEPT)
are happy and I am happy!

On to the next one!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Now There You Go.....

Da Proof is in Da Pudding!

(Yeah, notice I have a lot of FOOD references on here?)

And, oh, by the way...since I'm from Arkansas.....the Razorbacks...yeah, pigs...I guess instead of chicken I would, indeed taste more like pork roast!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Food references

How about a combo BBQ! Pork ribs and chicken! Arkansas is not that far away!



Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


HOLY COW !!!!!!!

( I need a bigger font to yell it better ... but, alas, I'm font-impaired !!!!!!! )

Congrats on it, M M ...

You didn't make that up to hear me "moo" did you ???????? Eye-wink

~ Sherri

P.S. I get the impression that if you were already in someone's house as a guest, you'd knock on THE BATHROOM DOOR to get the deal !!! LMAO

Have a Mooory Day mon Sherri

PM me with your Email and I will send copies of the check when I close!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

MM ~ Even Better !!!

Hey ~ I will PM you with my routing and account number ...

and you can put "portions" in there, rather than "copies" elsewhere !!!

Deal ?????

~ S

thought this

thought this needed revisited attention! GREAT post!


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