From the beginning, it has felt important for me to embrace "an area of expertise" within Real Estate Investing ... and I have selected PROBATES to be my niche!
Along the way, there have been detours, but I'm excited to still be in the game. Remember: Nobody can take away what God intends for you to have.
I enjoy PROBATE BIRD DOGGING to match CASH INVESTORS ANY PLACE IN THE USA with estate properties (nationwide) which I've thoroughly researched and vetted. This totally eliminates a complex process for the buyer, who benefits from having all of the necessary data presented before him/her to make an excellent decision.
In a nutshell, this is a vastly ignored (albeit recession-proof) area of real estate investing. Investors who get extraordinary deals can also be instrumental in helping "highly motivated" heirs begin to heal and move forward with their lives again. I feel it is an honor to act as the "transaction engineer" in this important capacity.
Making REI happen ... And successfully multi-tasking as a published freelance writer.
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