this will get you buyers

this will get you buyers

i gurantee that this will get you buyers
with the flyers the most cost effective way is to get blank copy paper and a sharpie marker

side note: now i dont know if you have analyzed your market yet as far as what is selling or not im still working on it as we speak (from the spreadsheet that my real estate agent sent me ) if you dont know what im talking about check out the forum i posted a few months ago titled "your not going to believe this "
and what it is about is what dean and matt was talking about on the last call but before they had the call. i already had my realtor send me a spreadsheet of all the houses that were bought cash since january. which is the best way to find cash buyers. anyway not to get off point but im analyzing that list to see what type of house is selling the most and it seems like it is 3 bed 1 bath so with that said im doing target marketing with the 3/1 and the 3/2 in my neck of the woods.

and i dont know how it is where you live

so i put them up exactly like this

3 bed
2 bath
4 sale


3 bed
2 bath
4 sale
area code

i write it out as big as i can
i put them on the metal poles with packing tape and i have them inside sheet protectors.
i just cut or rip off the ends of the sheet protectors you know the side that has where the hole puncher punched the holes for them to go into a binder. they have a little tear along piece where you can tear it.
but i do this now, because if you just put them up with out the sheet protectors when it rains they are coming down make sense? and they stay up for weeks if not years unless some one tears it down.
you can use different color paper if it's not out of your budget which is also cheap i go to staples and get a pack for like 10 dollars of bright orange copy paper. this is where you put them at all the major intercestions and on the poles that are right by stop signs. it works trust me, put up as many as you can i say the whole pack which is a pack of 500 sheets and your phone will start ringing non stop and dont worry about the ordinance i have a way around that
i will send you another email about that i have to go now i have to go to class

take care for now


this will get you buyers

HI everyone,

ok im back from class and just had lunch
i know you guys don't care , but here is the way around the ordinance
i was talking about for those of you who are worried about the police and whoever when putting up bandit signs etc...

first, buy a prepaid phone now days you can get one for around 25-30 dollars
family dollar have some for 8 dollars,
but this is what you do buy one of those phones and sign up for a ghost google account meaning one with a made up person not your real info
then after that go to google voice and use that phone on the account that way it cant be traced back to you

and for those of you that dont know about google voice find out it is now free but once wasn't
and you can do so many things with it

you can pick a number from anywhere in the country FREE
you can have all your calls go to your inbox of email FREE
you can send text messages FREE
have different voice greetings for different people FREE

i use what dean says about the free pre recorded messages here on my google voice number when i put up my flyers or bandits signs

for buyers and sellers
you can record up to about 1 min (that 's all you need really )
email me for my number and you can call to listen to the message that i have it is short and straight to the point .
so when people call about my we buy houses flyers it sends them to a message
saying my criteria sifting and screening the deals for me as dean says and then i go and cherry pick which ones i want

take advantage people take advantage .
hope this helps



Great advice, thank you!!

-Gabriel Do Carmo


"You deserve to be successful"

Gabriel Do Carmo

Slippery slope


I know people do what you are talking about all the time. But it is just a slick away to break the law and increase your chances of not getting caught. I also think that if you move your RE ventures forward with integrity, it shows. If you shortcut one thing, how do I know you aren't shortcutting other things. Like covering up defects in a house I am buying from you, or Getting a kickback from vendors if we are rehabbing a house together. I am not trying to come across "preachy", but it can start to be a way of life if you start justifying why you can do whatever you want.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Docarmo1994 thanks

your welcome

hope this helps you
because it is helping me like dean helps us

google voice is great use it while you can and also i got he info from
ross from connected investors dot com great site as well and it have other investors there in your area


trustpoint stand on the shoulders of a giant

hello trustpoint,

Brian here, i really dont know what you are talking about being a slippery slope this is great info and in no way are you breaking the law

for one you are helping people sell a house that they couldn't sell and getting the money that they needed

helping a person buy a house that they needed to buy and at a better price than usual


You say tomato, I say tomahto

I agree on your post that your method is one way to do it as stated in your original post. I am merely saying that when you hide behind proxies so that you are untracable from the law, you are admiting on some level that what you are doing is wrong. As far as giants go, I'm sure David slew the giant; Enron was a giant in the energy field; Worldcom was a giant in the telecommunication field; Countrywide was a giant in the mortgage field; Lehman Bros. was a giant in investment banking; BP was (is) a giant in offshore drilling, etc.,etc. Size doesn't make it right, it only allows them to through their weight around....until they are broken.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors


You are a very wise man

-Gabriel Do Carmo


"You deserve to be successful"

Gabriel Do Carmo


Imagine supplying a REAL deal that you actually have under contract to your buyers!!
1. This is a known fact. If you have a true deal the money will find you!
2. What good is having 500 buyers (only 10 can actually produce!) if you do not know how to determine and find REAL deals and then have the capability to lock it up?
3. You must have a buyers list, work on it from day one and never stop growing it, however as soon as you start supplying deals you won't have to rely on BS to attract them!

Just my opinion,
Michael Mangham Seller site Seller site Seller site Buyer site Bird dog, door knocker site Transactional funding site


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Mike, you speaketh the truth....

michaelmangham wrote:
Imagine supplying a REAL deal that you actually have under contract to your buyers!!
1. This is a known fact. If you have a true deal the money will find you!
2. What good is having 500 buyers (only 10 can actually produce!) if you do not know how to determine and find REAL deals and then have the capability to lock it up?


What is your reason for being untraceable if you're trying to connect with people who plan on buying from you???

Thats a new one to me

ok, trick number two (free auto responder )

i dont know if everyone knows about auto responders or not
but i found a way to use one for free

this is what i do i had set up an email account for my buyers
and another one for my sellers right

so im placing online ads and on the ads i have for my sellers
i have them go to my sellers email address
and i have made a email i put on the auto responder so soon as they email me the auto responder kicks in sending a email on what im doing and my criteria etc ....

and the same for my buyer i then have the email for my buyers and the email for my sellers go to my main email address

so basicly it's all on auto pilot and it's all for free
if anyone is iterested in knowing more just p m me and i will
be happy to let you in on it


Great Info Brian!!

Thanks for providing the great info.

Sign Police

Thanks for the breakdown on how to avoid the sign police.

I am going to try each one

I am going to try each one of the strategies hopefully they all will work.


Hello everybody

i have been having huge success
since i posted this forum
i have about 40 properties and counting everyday about to get 20 more in Columbus
Ohio from an inverstor down there as soon as the paperwork is finished
go check them out at

and from the auto responder every-time i look in my in-box i have a new buyer it's awesome all i do is post ads online with a email from google that has a vacation responder on it and
in that message i have the criteria and what im doing etc and that acts as a screen-er and sifts through people and the deals for me
and its all on auto pilot i even have someone that posts the ads for me now

so try it out
and let me know how it works for you


Free Auto Responder

Hello Brian,

I am definitely interested in learning more about your auto responder as I am a newbie in the real estate investing world. I could use all the advice and help I can get. I'm just trying to get my feet wet and learn as much as I can from people who are actually doing what I am so interested in learning to do. Please break it down for me. I will be so grateful.


This will get you buyers

Again I just want to say thank you for sharing info here on the forum. I am learning so much and I am excited to get started. This really helps point me in the direction I was so confused about. But now it has become much clearer thanks to you.


Bill is right in some point

Bill is right in some point but this issue should not be a thing to be argued upon. I would say that Brian is also right. I've been doing wholesaling properties in my state and I do the same thing as him in finding sellers and buyers. You call that "Guerilla Marketing". Everybody does that, and if you think it's wrong, you will be left behind the competition. This is in as far as REI is concerned. Blessings to all. LA


Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-

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