Ive learned from many wholesalers to obtain a section 8 landlord list. The reason this is such a goldmine is it can build a huge buyers list quickly and possibly even find motivated landlords.
Apparently its public information. I went to the raleigh housing authority ( http://www.rhaonline.com/contact.htm) and the secretary (who was in a bad mood) told me its not public info and she can't help. Whats up with that?
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." -Calvin Coolidge
She won't give you any info because she doesn't feel like doing her job. Ask for someone higher up, then ask them for what you are looking for.
Just tell her this is public information, if you can't give it to me, put me in touch with your manager/boss/whatever. Maybe just ask only for the person who runs the place.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
Hi you need to let that past an talk to some one else in that department, Ieve ran into that in the past on a different Real Estate issue, dont let it get you down, move on to some one else an be thankful for the day, Jim
Whether or not bad mood or not, she is not obligated to provide you with that info.
If its public info her reply can be then to get it yourself. Technically if its not in her job description to provide it to the general public, she's not wrong.
Just find it yourself and move on. Thats your best bet.
I wish I got her name so I can avoid her next time I call. I wonder if its only public information in certain counties and not public in others. I will come back with an update!
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." -Calvin Coolidge
If its public info her reply can be then to get it yourself. Technically if its not in her job description to provide it to the general public, she's not wrong.
Just find it yourself and move on. Thats your best bet.
Great! How come she didn't tell him that or put him in touch with someone who can? Maybe she isn't obligated to do that either? I have tried to get info from public offices before, and they literally can't comprehend what I am saying, they just say "um, uhh, abc office handles that or (most frustrating of all) we don't keep info like that on record", when I know it is. No one ever told me which office to go get it myself and I have asked!
I guess it's time to go kick down some doors, lol
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
If its public info her reply can be then to get it yourself. Technically if its not in her job description to provide it to the general public, she's not wrong.
Just find it yourself and move on. Thats your best bet.
Great! How come she didn't tell him that or put him in touch with someone who can? Maybe she isn't obligated to do that either? I have tried to get info from public offices before, and they literally can't comprehend what I am saying, they just say "um, uhh, abc office handles that or (most frustrating of all) we don't keep info like that on record", when I know it is. No one ever told me which office to go get it myself and I have asked!
I guess it's time to go kick down some doors, lol
but if she/he is not obligated to do something that is not part of their job description, they don't have to whether you or I want them to.
Just focus on getting things done on your own instead of taking it personal and wondering why.
Hope it helps.
Do some digging around online and you should be able to find the list. I found it online for my city last year. It took awhile and I do not recall exactly where I finally found it but just play detective and you will find it.
This is public info all over the country not just in certain areas.
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Kareng is right on this one.
I just googled "section 8 landlord list (my city)" and quickly found the active list, owner telephone and contact information.
Hope that helps!
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
to the administration people and you will get anything you need; if you act like they 'have to provide it to you'; all they have to do (and will) is click the phone and disconnect you
By nature, people respond in a positive manner when treated with kindness and respect; and respond in a negative manner when treated with contempt.
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"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
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Usually they are pretty easy to work with, I'd contact someone else
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but why not ask a section 8 tenant (if you know of any) if they could get one for you?
I know a few myself, that's how I got mine.
Mark K.
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I just got on my towms site and looked at properties for rent. It gave me all the contact info there.