Seeing your success before it happens

Seeing your success before it happens

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This is the technque of seeing yourself in peak performance in your mind, creating a mental image of how you want to feel and perform in an upcoming performance. That performance can be anything from a job interview, sports event, speech, presentation. Any event where you have doubts about your performance and Where negative feelings tend to take over and consume you.

How to stop this visualisation. Put a picture in your head of the perfect performance and your most positive feeling at that time.

For this to succeed you need to practise practise. Along this when visualising you need to incorporate as many senses as possible. Other terms include guided imagery, mental rehearsal. Athletes even perform mental imagery if they are unable to actually practise due to injury.

What it can do for you
Build self confidence banish inner negative repetitive thoughts,
When would you use visualisation
any situation where peak performance is required.
• Job interview
• sport event
• College/university interview

There are several types of visualisation techniques
Top performance mental technique (external imagery) – seeing yourself perform
Internal imagery perspective – seeing and sensing through your own eyes, so you go feel the skills as if you are doing it


Creating a Vision Board ...

This is a great way to help you reach your goals. I made one by accident before I knew this was some new age way to the laws of attraction. I was merely getting ready to throw out a bunch of magazines. They seemed to good to just throw away. So I decided to skim through them to see if there was anything worth saving. What happened was pictures and words and advertising started popping off the pages to me... I would cut out all these different things. Well I didn't exactly know what I was going to do with all this stuff. Later I purchased some poster boards and some glue sticks. Well before you know it I start laying all these pieces out and they started creating a a picture. To this day, these are the coolest. I have taken them to Staples and had them laminated. They are like works of original art. My friends are amazed at them. They tell a story and you can create your future with them... A fun way to get rid of the clutter and maybe make a change in your future!

scarlson When is your


When is your motivational book coming out. You have a good start on here.

Jim Kendrick


You are a great visionary!

Thanks for sharing,
Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela