Just do It!!

Just do It!!

Greetings all,
I just wanted to post some thoughts that I am sure have passed thru the site before, but I want to say also.

My thoughts are geared towards those still working up the nerve to do that first deal.

We read the books, we join the academy, we read some more, we go thru the forum with zeal gaining all the knowledge we can, but you know what? It's all for nothing if we do not act.

Stop waiting for the perfect deal, Waiting for the deal where you have every element in place. Folks, it's not going to happen. No matter how much you prepare, how much you plan, The only thing hesitation gets you is NOTHING!!

Get that deal close, many here can show you ways to get out of it, and yes, I think most here will agree that it is a rare thing for a deal to go totally as planned. There are constant "things" that come up. There is a huge support group here to help with that, but you know what, if you don't have problems to face it means that you did not make that deal. Problems are not a problem unless you let them be.

In the process of getting off my butt and actually making that first deal I lost so many good ones by hesitating. Am I a veteran of this, no I am not, but let me tell you, you learn very fast. Keep an open mind and deal with the bumps as they come.

My first deal is at the title company now and I am probably going to bid on my second in a day or so and I know I will get the house. I don't know who I am going to sell it to, I have no buyers list, to be honest I am not entirely sure how I am going to pay for it, but I do know this, I can make money on it and I will make money. The house is too good a deal to pass on, so I will most likely buy it. I suspect that many here, including Dean, have made many deals without all the details worked out. I also suspect those people would say the same thing:

Get off your butt, take action, and make that deal!!!!

Everything you need is here, but no one can make you do it, you have to take the first step.

Go make the deal, make money, make your future,



You are sooo Right!

To David,

OMG everything you posted is soo very true.. For me I paid for the best mentors in L.A. I paid for the DG Academy past Dec. I read all the emails,books. I know in my mind exactly what to do. But as I am driving today past a Rental sign or any possible great deal thats all I do is pass by. I get that voice that tells me well Lily, when you do take that number down what the heck or you gna ask the landlord?? I get scared!! But I am so tired of working 2jobs, and 7days a week. Barely making it to cover all living expenses. I will do what you said and get off my butt and take action. Tomorrow when I pass by that empty house again, I will call them up and pretend I am a savvy investor with partners who can pay cash and close in 30days. After I do my evaluation of the house. Sure Ill be scared out of my wits, to move forward but my kids are worth it! Today my sister told me that my nephew got accepted to USC but hes not going because its 65k a year. It really broke her heart, I refuse for that to happen to my kids. I will take action and see what happens! Wish me luck. LilyfmL.A


I logged back in when I saw your post and wanted to add my support and wish you luck. I can so feel where you are, but I do know this, no one, absolutely no one will do it for us.
Everyday I have made it a point to try and tell someone what I am doing and what can be gained from it and do you know how many people have even asked me where to get more information, or maybe where to start?
All we can do is plant the seed.
Yu have the information you need, you have the support you need, all you need is that last step, JUST DO IT !!!
The worst that can happen is people will say no, WHO CARES, the world is full of negativity, what's a bit more?
But think about when you hear that first yes Smiling
Did I lose deals, of course, did I feel foolish at times, of course, but when it started to come together, I smiled all the way to the bank.
Chalk up the negatives to learning, the positives to profit.
This is a constant learning experience, and I have so very much more to learn. So often I feel like I know nothing, but when I do, I find the answers. So many times I have left a meeting and called the coaches at the academy and asked what went on as I thoughtfully nodded.
I have a long way to go, but I can tell you this, after taking the first step and getting that first deal, it is sooooo much easier, you will feel like an old pro and say with pride you are and "investor"

Lily, act, don't think
Best of luck


David and Spaghetti

Oh I meant David, Im cooking spaghetti, and saw that you replied back to me. You are a very wise man. If I told you how many time I too have called the academy during my lunch and told them my thoughts and how many times I am talking to a differ person. OMG or how its tough to do deals in L.A county I see smart great deals every day. I have always since I was a kid have been a uplifting,positive,smiley,out spoken person, I will keep you informed of how it all will go Wed. Oh and I passed out my business cards last week to the gal at starbucks and she just looked at me and thru it in the trash. Well at least 2pts for trying I will not give up. Gotta go family waiting by the table.



Nothing is wrong with you. You are just like many of us. Feeling fear is normal. We all have a little fear because we are human!

If you need a dare -- here you go! I dare you to make a deal within the next 30 days and post about the details here so we can all say "We told you you can do it!!!"

There are a lot of oportunities in Brooklyn, trust me I should know, living here and all.




I exhibit the same problem

That problem is fear. I have been a shy person since my childhood and that has caused me to miss out on a lot of oppurtunties in life. I am now 26 and will no longer sit by and miss out on the dreams that I so desire. I must make the change, however hard it may be.

I have had multiple properties under contract that fell through, I've invested in several real estate courses that I made nothing of and as of last month, became a member of Dean's Success Academy believing that I will have my first deal done soon. But there are so many obstacles beating me up that I get discouraged. I've posted ads on the online classified sites but receive little to no responses from them. I'm working with an agent who submits my offers which are 50% below list price but all of them are rejected. I have even went straight to the listing agents to make offers but no luck there either. Regardless, I do my best not to give up but it feels like I am getting nowhere fast. I have been working at this for almost a year considering everything that I have done to jump start my Real Estate Investing but I don't allow that to get to me. I realize everyday that there are things I need to change about me in order to change the direction I want my business to go. So I say to myself that I must do what I don't want to do in order to get what I do want. It is a challenge everyday but I continue to envision what my life could be like and push towards it.

One thing I am working on now is networking with others in my area that are like-minded and seek to achieve prosperity through Real Estate. I've just started this mission but my goal is to have at least 3 folks by September 20.