I have been working on this Nice deal for the last 2 weeks..Im Dealing with a company that buys alot of Property at one time,But they take a long time with their DD before they give a yes or no..Well tonight I got a Text that said they have giving a Verbal Yes and they will right up a Offer and send it to me Tomorrow..
If the Offer isnt to low I will have done a deal before the new Year..The Deal goes Like This...
My Agent Knows a Developer That Has 27 Town Homes he wants to get rid of so he can build more..With my fee I was asking $70k for each unit..He was asking $63k so I will be making $7k for each unit which comes out to $189k for me...But I do Have to Split it 3 ways So I will be getting $63k Not bad,Thats makes out to be a good Xmas...I will keep everyone updated
Im glad they are keeping me updated but I wish they would have told this tomorrow cuz Im not going to be able to sleep tonight
I Didnt sleep well at all..I had so many things going thru my mind..I dont know why Im Letting this deal bother me..Maybe because it is my biggest deal so far and I just want it to happen...I will let you guys know what happens
You got this. You been working in real estate for awhile now.
No sweat.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
Not to think about this all the time. I would be too. I hope you get it done! That would be a great deal. Good luck and definately keep us posted!!
Just hit a Few bumps...trying to get them more Info to get this done
is not good to hear any kind of big news, huh. Wishing the best for you!
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Only when I thought a deal was going to happen, I used to get this way every time. That was when I got way over my head & didn't know all the in & outs of bulk reo deals 3 yrs. ago. When they never went through, I lost that feeling. But, I never stop dreaming of Real Estate!
You've got a great thing going for you, and you know what it takes to make you successful! In fact, we all do as long as we take ACTION. I also know you've got this in the bag. $60k is a very great christmas present, too.
Keep us posted ~ I like hearing awesome success stories!
I will let everyone know whats going on when I get back from the Doctors
Congrads,if the deal goes through which I hope it does,do you already have your buyers in place to take all 27 of them off your hands,and if so are they already willing to give you 70k for each one?
I'm excited for you. $63K before the New Year would be quite a present! Talk about a monster deal! Keep us posted, and I hope it works out for you!
Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."
Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."
Hey buddy, any word yet? Keep us posted, hoping to hear this works out.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
Just back from the Doctor..The Buyers was Looking for a Property Management to have in place before closing but that company told them that in that area town homes are renting out for $850mo..Thats fine because I have proof that they are renting out for over $1k a month..My Agent owns 2 of them and she has been renting them out sense 07 for over a $1k.So I sent them all the proof.The reason they are fighting about the rent, because if they only rent out for $850 they are going to give me a lower offer, but if they see they rent for over $1k they will give me what Im asking...
@blackboard....Yes my buyer is place Im just waiting for the paper work to be signed...
Make sure this deal goes the way you will like. Stay focus and try not to get anxious. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
don't stress over things that you have no control over; you found your seller, you found your buyer,and now all you can do is sit back nd wait for the final word to come your way... give yourself a pat on the back for putting together the deal, regardless of the outcome.
Hope you're able to get some sleep tonight...I'm sure there will be many more deals coming your way in the near future.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Congrats on the getting the deal in motion. That's the first step! Now, get them closed!!!
I know what you're talking about with the anxiousness. I had 3 slam dunks this month fizzle before they got to the closing table. I had already mentally spent some of that money too so the disappointment was HUGE. LOL But I didn't give up and never will! I have another smaller one going on right now that should close before the end of the year. Fingers are crossed
If this helps, this is something an old RE friend of mine once told me, "Don't get excited until you are leaving the closing table with a check in hand." That's not being a doom and gloom person, that's being a realist.
So here's to a Happy Holiday and multiple closings!!!!!
Keep us posted
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Thanks guys...most likly i wont hear anything until monday..But i will keep u posted
Stay Positive, perhaps doing something for yourself, to help you get your mind off the pressing business at hand. Always expect a positive outcome to situations like these, ifs its to be it will come to pass, if not then that will come to pass also, enjoy life be happy, worring about it wont change the out come at all, Have a hobby, just put your attention else where for now, it will help. Remember you have closed deals before, the only differance here is the size, you've already been down that road, remember there's always another deal to be done, smile you've done a good job, pat yourself on the back and take a deep breath and relax you"ll be OK.
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
Can't wait to see the dram unfolds. These roller coaster rides make RE interesting for sure. Hoping it all works out for you in the end!
Real estate works...
Real estate works...
What happened with this? Are they still fighting the rents? Good casfhflow is what these buyers are mostly looking for. The more they can get, the better for them. Don't loose sight of your goals. If it is to be, it is up to you. (somebody quotes it on here alot) And yes, merry christmas!
They did give me a offer of what i was asking. But when I got the offer they just accepted another offer from someone else..So my buyer was a day late, So I missed out on this deal..So I have moved on to other deals
If you are interested in the city's of Cleveland, Indianapolis, and Kanas City. These homes were built around 30 to 40 years ago. They are renting any were from $600 to $1200 per month. I have about 70 rental properties and 20 fixer upers in these areas. email me if you have any questions. You can look at them on fsbitools.com
you did everything you could. just look at it as a great experience in REI! really sorry it didn't happen for you. you'll get past it and find another NICE DEAL!
Best wishes,
"...be; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2