Can someone fix the access to the Edge Private Network? I have left questions online and called the support line from the Edge package and no results. I know we were enjoying it for awhile and now it is empty and unaccesible.
Please let us back in:)
Blessings & Favor,
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
I have been wondering the same thing, and sent a couple notes asking about it, but I still try to log in and nothing. Actually, I had no idea it worked for has always been blank every time I log in.
I have been wanting the opportunity to ask about some things in that forum, specifically about some techniques discussed in videos.
Thank you for bringing this up!
I would love the Edge Network to come back!
Thanks again!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter:
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: