I am a real estate investor and student-turned-mentor! I say this with joy, humility and pride all at the same time. I started with Dean's program in 2009, the result of watching a late night infomercial. I bought his books, devoured them and took the recommended education. I successfully completed a number of deals in Seattle and then built an inventory of buy and hold homes in Cleveland to create passive income. I am now building power teams in several different cities. I offer private money investments to fund my homes, offering a handsome return to my investors.
Now in 2012, I have the honor and privilege of traveling the U.S. and Canada teaching "Boots on the Ground" and doing one on one mentoring.
Dean is passionate about his desire for our success. The "DG Fam" is the best. There's a lot of support, education, wisdom, and inspiration on this site.
Follow my blog! www.genahoriatis.com
Congratulations for being part of the DG website community. The website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. Go for it, you can do it! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe