maybe I've missed it, but instructions on how to use this site could be added to help everyone
How to find certain post, using the 'track' tab above profile info,etc
Require more detailed profile info before allowing one to post to cut down or eliminate spam, etc
Add more space for 'Who's online users' so we see who's on here
It would help us all to network if we were grouped by state we live in
Allow unedited pm messages
This a great site and I Thank You Dean and staff for all your hard work
Thanks for your time,
Mike Free tools
Great Idea Mike!! I've loved this site, and it's been super helpful - but a tutorial would have been nice when clicking around, trying to figure this all out. Once you get it down, it's lovly. I like the idea of having more detailed info on people's profile. No life story is necessary, but maybe a few key points that would be mandatory to fill out. Nice to know a little about people and where they are located for networking purposes.
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
It would help us all to network if we were grouped by state we live in
Allow unedited pm messages
As for the state idea, maybe a state icon inbetween our site status (member, contributor, etc) and number of posts would be cool. First one could be the home state and others added that one invests in.
As far as unedited pms, that's news to me, maybe it depends on who you're pm'ing?
My two cents involve the "Start Here - FAQs" link which is really nothing like a FAQ should be. It shouldn't be easily added/posted to. It should be in a condensed outline format with each question being a link itself and then linking to the question and full answer farther down on the page.
One important question will be "I'm a (newbie) where do I start?" and that should lead to a mind-map where people can make an informed decision based on amount of money, education and time they have available for investing in real estate.
You might have started something here Mike!
Mark K.
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I love the state idea. We need some contacts in NJ and it would be nice and easy to find them if everyone's state is listed.
Allen & Denise
Denal Enterprises
Mike, Renae, and Mark-
We are currently working on the new DG site. We have already incorporated a lot of these ideas into the site, but there is one idea we would not. The idea about having more space for online users is a great idea but whenever there are too many visible users online, the site appears to look unprofessional or cluttered. However, I can see about adding a place to network and to see all available online users whenever logged in.
As far as how to use the site, we will have a video walkthrough so everything is explained thoroughly.
You can track another member's post by clicking the 'Track' button above their profile. Once you hit 'track', this will pull up all of the comments that have ever been posted by this member. Scroll through and look for the forum that interests you, click the name and you can look through the comments for that specific member's post(s).
We are currently building a spam filtering system from scratch to make sure we eliminate spam throughout the site. We did have a really good spam filtering system from a third party company but it only worked perfectly about 90% of the time. 90% was not efficient enough so we are now creating our own system.
Hope this answers most of your questions.
We are currently working on the new DG site. We have already incorporated a lot of these ideas into the site, but there is one idea we would not. The idea about having more space for online users is a great idea but whenever there are too many visible users online, the site appears to look unprofessional or cluttered. However, I can see about adding a place to network and to see all available online users whenever logged in.
(rest of quote snipped for brevity...)
I've been to other forums where they post the online users & guests at the bottom of every page. That way, the more users there are, the more space is added to the bottom of the page. Has this placement been considered?
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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To note threads you are interested in click on "bookmark this" at the bottom of the Original (first) post. Then when you're logged in you can click on "My bookmarks" on the left side and see a list of threads that you have bookmarked.
I'm not aware of a thread or video that shows you the ins-and-outs of yet.
Kind of have to grin and bear it, learn as you go.
Check out the thread for the RBBP 30Days QCF here:
Good luck!
While I'm asking, is there a feature that allows us to archive posts? With all the tidbits of information strewn throughout these posts, it would be nice to be able to archive and categorize some of them for future reference. Is there such a feature in place?
Thank you!
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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I am a newbee but looking through the different forums I am not finding many recent postings. Most are over a year old. I left some posts yesterday on some posts how do i find out if they are responded to? I am having to learn from the books as I have no resources for the academy or the RBBP.
Click on "What's New" on the left and all the blue underlined numbers are the latest comments on those threads.
Check out the 30Days Quick Cash Formula thread (, there's over 800 posts in 3 weeks.
The most recent replies to threads that YOU have posted in will show up in your account ("My Account" on the left, click on it and then scroll down a little to see what I'm talking about) You can also click on the "Track" tab inside your account to see all the threads you've ever posted in.
Also Note that you can view other people's profiles by clicking on their names above their avatar/picture. While viewing their profile you can also click on their "track" tab as well and see all posts that they have participated in.
That should keep you busy for a while.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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I was asked to put together a general forum posting guidelines/etiquette document for my college job, and was considering posting it here in Forums under Everything Else since I've been trying to learn my way around this site also. Here's what I have so far:
Forum Posting 101
1) If the forum (or the website) has rules or guidelines, read through them before beginning to post.
2) As much as possible, read through earlier posts to see if your topic has already been posted or your question has already been answered to avoid unecessary replication. Usually this will be a good review or a learning experience anyway. Try using the Search feature.
3) Answer others questions, offer meaningful encouragement, etc. more often than you ask. Contribute to the content; don't just demand help.
4) Try to stay on topic as much as possible; don't interrupt or “highjack” the thread. It's frustrating for everyone to try and read a thread on a certain topic only to have to wade through all kinds of miscellaneous posts. Find the right forum topic and post there.
5) Using All Caps is called SHOUTING. It is generally considered to be rude and is difficult to read anyway, so it is counter-productive and will make your posts more likely to be passed over.
6) For privacy and security reasons, do not post personal information --- your own or someone else's --- such as telephone number, address, or personal email.
7) Personal topics and/or differences should be discussed through private messages elsewhere and not in a public forum. Be courteous.
#8 Only post when you have a clear question or something to contribute; do not waste everyone else's time and space with cute comments just to see yourself in print.
9) Give each post or new thread a meaningful title so that it is easy to follow.
I initially did a search for this here and didn't find anything clear-cut; maybe I missed it somewhere. But the threads do seem to be growing by leaps and bounds and this might be a good opportunity for more seasoned DGers to fill in the blanks for us and offer DG-specific pointers like some of Mark's great instructions and shortcuts above to help keep us all on track.
I know I've gotten excited about something and realized later I should probably have posted it elsewhere or posted thinking something was going to show up one place only to have it go to another area. All the assistance (and patience) is appreciated!
For example --- I got a face for #8 which showed up in Preview and I had to switch the format for that one...?
dialog, if you scroll down more you'll see a link More information about formatting options.
Click on that and it'll show you all the different ways you can format your comments.
Jennifer your 8+) is considered a textual smiley which when put together yields
. Just as :+) =
:+( =
and so on. You can also do

Hope that.... helped. lol
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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Can we also have the page numbers at the top of the pages when there is multiple pages in a forum?
It's annoying when there's new replies in a multi page forum and you have to scroll to the bottom and go to last page.
I know you can click on the blue numbers (new comments) but if there's more than 30 replies then it goes to the first page anyways.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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