
All About dorldor

Mark Levy
About Me: 

I never thought I would be an investor in Real Estate. I worked as a manager for a manufacturing company for over 16 years and really believed that I was going to retire from there. But I got tired of working for a very demanding boss and decided to open my own business in that market. I gave it my best shot but never found the success I thought I would have. Now that that chapter in my life is finished I am ready for the next one titled "Real Estate Investing".
On a personal level, I have a large family with kids ranging in age from 3 to 23 !!! If that doesn't give me motivation to succeed then I don't know what will. I have a supportive wife, Lynn, who has been working harder than anyone I know. I would love to ease her schedule so that she can spend more time with our kids and for herself. Those goals will become reality as I study my Dean Graziosi course and have the biggest real estate support network on the planet to help me go and take it into action and overcome all my mental demons that want to hold me back!

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
