The E.D.G.E of Excitement


Or better yet, Greetings from the E.D.G.E. I am in Phoenix, AZ at Dean's very FIRST Conference. I don't know how today will go but last night at the Meet & Greet was AWESOME!

I met so many people from the site and I got to see Rina, Laura Johnson, Elena, Lloydsap, Vaugh and many, many more.

I can't wait to post on Day 1 of the conference. The excitement, the education, the enthusiasm and well I guess the "MAN". Dean is to open the conference this morning at 9am and "teach".

Keep tabs on this blog for more exciting info to come. I will try and post as often as I can this weekend.


All I can say about yesterday was that it was a fully packed day and the information relayed was awesome. Dean and his group are the best.

I have met some really wonderful peeps from here on the site as well as Deans staff that I have communication with. His staff is wonderful and all I can say is that you ARE who you surround yourself with.

Wait until next week when DGADMIN post info about the conference - you won't be able to restrain yourself.

Well I gotta run, almost time to get started this morning - I wish EVERYONE was


Anitarny's picture

I also met Megan (Deans Assistant and Matt Larson - he had on the nicest pair of


i`m eric i`m new just received dean`s books and just reading the first 3 chapters i`m ready to buy a house.

Dean's Blog #38

I am not your average guy as I am having a heck of a time rolling up my sleeves and digging in! I still have not landed a deal however I have to say that this site is electric and infectous. Dean, I want to thank you for giving me the motivation and drive to keep going and hopefully I too will say "WOW I did it" and overcome all my mental demons! I also want to thank everyone who is a part of the DG family and really care about how each member is doing and take the time to read and respond to each other.

I found five great deals in Atlanta GA

luvmyenergy's picture

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the site and have a few questions... I am almost finished reading Dean's "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" I got so inspired that I started locating properties to purchase (or at least for someone else for now and I make a profit helping to expedite the deal).

There are 5 properties in and around Atlanta GA that are priced way below the market value by $60,000 - $100,000.

They are in good areas and don't look like they need much work. Is there anyone out there able to give me some direct as to how to purchase these or partner up with someone who can?

My credit isn't the greatest and I have no money. However, what I do have is a strong desire to become a successful investor!

Any advice fellow Graziosians?

From one Atlantan to another

Well, your comment was last September. How's it going? I'm in the boat you were in then- but I'll wager you're long gone from this sea by now! How'd you do it? Are you still doing it? I just finished watching the EDGE 09. I got it with my last $30. Mortgage is due and I don't have it all. I am so anxious to get started. But I feel ill prepared. Where are you in Atlanta? Maybe we could meet and I could watch you work! I am pumped- but altho emotionally ready, I think I have more prep to do. Got any suggestions?

need to find a DG form!

scotsnyder's picture

Can anyone tell me excatly where to find and download the following form (this is not on the links ALL FORMS or REAL ESTATE FORMS AND DOCUMENTS) -
1. Investor Disclosure Statement and Sellers Acknowledgement.
Please guide me to it!
Thank you,
scot snyder

when is the next EDGE event.

SpencersInvesting's picture

when is the next EDGE event. I would love to attend it

I see

UnlimitedWealth's picture

sounds good