
All About dmoney_david

dmoney_david's picture
David W
Houston, Texas
About Me: 

Well I'll try to keep this short and sweet....

Hello fellow REIs,
My name is David. I am 21 years old and live currently in Houston, Texas..*wipes off the sweat*...Gosh yeah it can get really hot down here.. I've always been interested in real estate and even thought about getting my real estate license. For now I'm gonna go full force into becoming a "Real Estate Millionaire". Feel free to leave me a PM anytime as we journey through this together.. Good Luck to all and keep on making the money!

Real Estate, Computers, Video Games

Topics I've Participated In

Think a Little Different cjlittle2511 years 3 weeks ago
Houston, Tx - Anyone home? cjlittle3413 years 29 weeks ago
Set Your Success Thermostat! Elena M1413 years 33 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago
Conference Call Completed! July 22nd, 2008 dgadmin3214 years 13 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Just checking in

janet duty's picture

Hi David, my name is janet. I live in Mesquite, Tx. "Dallas". I have been looking for houses to buy and rent. That is what I like to do. I don't have the funds to get started again. I let my business go 3 years ago. I sold everything but 2 houses. I moved to Colorado and had a great time. Never expecting the economy to take a dump on us. When I got back, both of my houses were empty and I'm broke. How are you doing. If you can give me some insight that would be great. I have 7 houses scoped out right now. One I want to live in. Anyway, any help would be great. Thanks Janet

Hi David

Just getting started in REI. Kim and I are also in Houston. Looking forward to sharing info with you.

hi dave

i see you posted some info on foreclosure alert, if you understand the program...can you please help me understand it too...
on "foreclosure alert"
when you get on it and you choose a property...it shows you the estimate and the default amount..now my question to you is... let say the estimate on the house is $89,503 and the default is $50,000 ..is the $50,000 is what i give to the bank?
and if so ...do i minus $50,000 from
$89,503 = $30,503 ..is this what they consider "equity" last question

how long after you purchase a property are you able to pull the equity or use the equity on property...please help and if you do if you ever need my help
just let me know ...thanks and GOD bless.

Hi David

I am also starting out as a real estate investor here in the houston area. I look forward to exchanging information relating to investing. Please feel free to contact me, perhaps we can mutually help each other ?

Central texas

David, I have just started the world of realestate but am looking forward to the work. I'll email you and see if we can do a little work together. thanks erh.

Sup David, Hey Where Does

Sup David, Hey Where Does the REI group met @ here on DG.com? Im a Noob to this site thanks
Corpus Christi TX

Hi David, I am a new to the

Hi David, I am a new to the real estate world but have always wanted to get involved... just closed my car dealership and have the time to invest in real estate... i am still further down from you, south of san antonio.. some insight on how to get started would be great..thanks

Rio Grande Valley

mgntexas's picture

Hay, everyone, just to let you know that I'm down here in the Rio Grande Valley and like most of you, just starting out on this venture. I also beleive if we talk to each other the more we can learn. Whatevery we can pass to each other the better we get.
I my self was advised by an attorney that the best deal to do is foreclosure the same thing that Dean advised in his book, but there is a waithing period when you purchade a foreclosure from the court house. I don't know the period yet but will find out.


Just joined your DG REI Group

Glad I found your listing. I'm only 2 weeks old in DG REI program. I really need to associate with DG REI people. I am in the Coastal Bend area. Will get info from you later. I can be contacted via PM or Email (preferred - posted on my profile page). Thank you for being there for us.


2 weeks & on Chapter 6 -- GO DAN GO !!!

hello south texas

im new to the game myself but i have been fixing houses up for fifteen years and have a keen eye for profit to be made on a house now its time to take charge and make myself the money maybe i can help you, maybe you can help me, buy it is time to get started

DG member

Hi David,

My name is Jerry just wanna know if you do any wholesale investing in the Corpus Christi area or if you know anyone please let me know.


Jerry Flores