Joined: 2008-04-15
Points: 152

hardcastle investments
central texas
About Me:
I am happily married to a wonderful gal now for 30 yrs and still as in love as the day we met. We are both 50 yrs old. Have two grown boys. Retired from a major telephone co. in 2008. Now investing in rei's of any kind. Enjoy rodeoing, cowboying, and just about any kind of sport that is competitive...(good sport)We are baptist by choice, and truly love the lord our GOD. Own a small ranch in tx. with horses, cattle, dogs, and one cat. Very open minded to the worlds problems.
fear and negative people
I started into this about one year ago and was all gungho untill my wife and family started telling me how crazy I was for thinking that this could really work for an uneducated country hick from a small town of 356 people. Well it got into my head and perolized me from my dream of no worry and financial freedom. Since that time, due to down sizing and my age at the company, now I am 50 years old, and unemployed, and now about to loose everything that I worked for 31 years to get. I do not have a clue on how to do the business of realestate but, I am about to start, and if my family does not want to be a part of it, then they will have to set back and stay out of the way. Thanks D.G. for the words of encouragement to get me back on the correct track. Any help would be appreciated.