Houston, Tx - Anyone home?

Houston, Tx - Anyone home?

Just curious if there is anyone from the Houston, Tx area that is dealing with real estate. If so, please reply.


Houston, Tx

Hey there cjlittle,

I am living in the Richmond area not too far from Houston. I am currently studying the "Think a Little Different"

Feel free to join my group i created.....

South Texas Investors/Realtors

Talk to ya soon,

P.S Loved Dolly's weather huh? Sticking out tongue


Laughing out loud David Laughing out loud

"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Prov 13:4

Start Here - FAQs - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3355
Cleaning Up Your Credit - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/4724
Dean Graziosi's Conference Line Resource Center - http://www.askdeang.com/
Bird-Dog/Assignments - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3783
South Texas Realtors/Investors - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/7752

I also live in the Houston

I also live in the Houston area.


Awesome! GO TEXANS Laughing out loud

So JamesC how is REI treating you? Any advice or tips you could offer to starters in the Houston area? Much appreciated!

Have a great day!

Feel free to join my group


Laughing out loud David Laughing out loud

"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Prov 13:4

Start Here - FAQs - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3355
Cleaning Up Your Credit - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/4724
Dean Graziosi's Conference Line Resource Center - http://www.askdeang.com/
Bird-Dog/Assignments - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3783
South Texas Realtors/Investors - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/7752

Houston Texas

I am glad to see that I am getting some post on here from people that are around where I am at. I am really in the Alvin/Pearland area, but that is besides the point. If anyone would like to get together and pick at each others brain a little, I am all for it. Just PM me and we can talk more. Maybe we can help each other out.

I also live in Houson, Texas

Hey is this Houston Group still alive? I Live on the northside near the FM 1960 area. I am also from Dallas and travel there often. Anyone willing to get together, put a plan in motion or just put this Houston team onthe DG Family map? Let me know?

Houston, TX

I live about 20 minutes north of Houston. Anything going on in the area, meetings etc.?


Do you need web hosting for you REI site? Come check us out at http://hostgladiator.com


I'm here on the south side, Astrodome, et al. There's got to be PLENTY right in my area. The full-time KBR gig forces a little clearer planning, with less time than most for execution.

Will try the AFF and answering service and buy fliers/signs as suggested.

FM1960 ought to be good - the lake isn't that much farther north, huh?

Would appreciate the company of like-minded investors/DG entrepreneurs -



Humble/Houston Area

I live in the Humble area and am just getting started... will be joining the South Texas Investors group soon.


Hockley, TX

Hi y'all! I'm Sandi from Hockley - NW side of Houston, near Tomball, way out Hwy 290. Not a lot shaking in Hockley, but I'm close enough to Spring Cypress and a few other areas to maybe do some damage. Am pretty new to this venture - just found this post. Will check out the group link. Thanks everybody - good luck to all.


Those who kill time murder opportunity.

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers." III John 2

"To get up each morning with the Resolve To Be Happy is to set our own conditions to the events of the day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them." Ralph Waldo Emerson


I am at 610 and 45.

HUMBLE,TX............FOR NOW

I currently reside in Humble, but maybe not for long. I too want in on these REI meetings. I just started all this (website trekking) so it's all new to me. I've had Deans books for a few months now. Really looking to get going already. I just don't feel as if I'm seasoned enough though. Aaahh ever the procrastinator.


“What if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?”
(Romans 3:3, KJV)

"Don't water down your dreams!"

Hello Houston!

I am in the Pearland/Friendswood area looking to invest in the southern area of Houston. I am looking for good properties to rent out right now. Seems like a lot of people that may be loosing their homes due to foreclosure are looking to rent, so that's the plan for me right now.

WHat are you gusy doing? Any luck yet?



Robert Kiyosaki: My rich dad said: "My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make."

Oh wow!

I'm here at 1960 and 45. Great to see people from Houston here and to guess I posted a topic asking if there were Houstonians here. I guess I can delete it now. Anyway we need to meet up sometime. I'm joining the group too.

HI Everyone!

I'm from the Clear Lake/Nasa Area. I just started just last week and is currently trying to complete my buyers list. Any tips? Or any contacts anyone would like to share?
PM me!

hello out there

im from houston.the u of h area 45 at cullen


no comments at this time

Anyone in the Bryan-College Station area?

I live in the BC area; but, I am willing to work as part of a team in the Northwest area of Houston. Please PM. Thanks, Pete

anyone in the wodlands/conroe area?

Just starting out in the woodlands/conroe area wondering if anyone is out here and if so how's the wood's treating you?

I live in Houston

I live on the northwest side of Houston off FM 1960. I would love to meet up some day. Maybe we can help each other

Go Houston Dynamo!!!!

I use to to live by 45 & Cullen, we still have that house so I go by that area often. Now I live by 288 and the Beltway. I'm new to the website and the Real Estate program.....if anyone is making any deals and have some advice for the new folks please help us out as we shall do the same in the near future....right now my borther and I puchased a property for 100K and the house is worth about 130K, today we are changing the windows and putting up some dry wall since the house needed this changes badly.....I will let you guys know how it turns out with this property......
Take care Houston Investors & Good LUCK to all!!!!


Alex Rubio from Houston

I used to live around that area...

Hi my name is Alex Rubio
I thought I'd replay just to let you know I know the area, I used to live near the Krogers at Cullen and Polk, lived there for almost 6 years and we still have a house in that area.....
How long you've been investing in Real Estate?
Take care


Alex Rubio from Houston

I live near Pearland

Hi my name is Alex Rubio
I live like not even 5 minutes from 288 and the Beltway.....
I'm married and have a beutiful doughter, Mikaela..... she is 8 months in a week (I'm telling you this so you won't think I want to meet girls here)
I mean strictly business and that is all.
How long have you been investing in Real Estate?
are you a Success Academy Student?
Take care, ttyl


Alex Rubio from Houston

Living in the Katy area and recently joined the Academy!

Looking for other investors close to my area to get together and share some thoughts or strategies...I started last month and chose the wholesaling strategy...right now working on my buyers list and finding good realtors to get some comps. Now I need good properties. Anyone knows if I can assing pre-foreclosure to another investor? Any thoughts will be appreciated.

Good luck to all!

PS - I speak Spanish too....

New to investing

I am new to Real Estate Investing.No i am not a Success Academy Student.My goal is to be very successful, so i am working very hard at it. Looking to partner with someone in my area.

God Bless

houston help

Hello, I am from the houston area and would love to partner up with someone in houston to go over somethings. I need a little help in creating and starting my first deal...

Please help still a little clueless on some things

K Rena Simon


hi Sandra
HI am new aswell and would love to partner up with you , if your still intersted. I have had DG book and DVD for a year now and is tired of it collecting dust. I am really interested real estate but really think a partner would be alot of help.

Please feel free to conntact me at krenasimon@


I would love to talk and team up as partners.We can surely help and motivate each other.

Please contact me so we can set up a date and time to meet.


Hi Mrs. Simon,
I emailed you, but have not heard back from you yet. If you still want to partner up, email me.


Attention "HOUSTON"

Anyone would like to partner up with me and get some deals done in houston please contact me at krenasimon@**** we can setup a meeting.....

K Rena Simon

San Antonio - or Antonio's Sauna - take your pick

Fairly new at this - only a month or so.
Spent most of that making sure the business was set up legally / getting started with COA and 1001 other things that are related.

Happy New Year!!

To all my fellow Houstonians....
Happy New Year!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston


Alex Rubio from Houston