Im a young man who has been very encourage in the business of Real Estate since i was very little. i have an aunt who is an Architect and an Engineer in the Dominican Republic. Since i was little i was hanging around her construction site, stealing some of her wood to make tree house and train on the construction industry. I came to the United states and got into college where i got a degree in Architecture. i have work as a project manager for various company and Architectural firms. i have worked on construction project that are worth from $10 to $60 million dollars. i have also taken the Real Estate Agents course but dint get the license just wanted the knowledge. Also, did i mention that I'm only 26 years old. im a person that loves to shoot high in life and don't feel like shooting low which i consider as waste of time. i lost my job last year and every interview that i go to just sees my young face and starts judging me "as im not qualified for that job" because of my age, OH WELL. I going to start My Real Estate Career real soon already have family members who want to put some money to help me. I have been studying and gathering as much knowledge as i can about real estate, because i have to do my homework before i get into anything. that is the number one rule of Real Estate Investing do your Homework.
Im so happy i join. Feel like it's my secrete weapon. Dean has been so wonderful with all the Knowledge and positive energy that he has been giving us im very grateful.
"where there's a will there's a way"
Just stopped in to say welcome to the site.