I'm 30 years young with a great career in law enforcement... As a kid I made it my goal to become a police officer... I worked hard for it, joined the explorer program at 13 yrs old, and volunteered thousands of hours to the community....living in Los Angeles in one of the roughest neighborhoods. I kept away from the so easy to join gang life... It wasn't east but I stayed focused on my goal...at 23 yrs old I proudly graduated from the LAPD Academy... I had accomplished what I set out to do...by focusing and hitting smaller goals along the road... Now 7 yrs as a cop I found a new goal to obtain...and that's a Real Estate Investor..I will approach this goal with the same energy and hunger I had before becoming a cop... One last thing, as soon as I finished reading Deans book, I was feeling very excited and motivated... I went tithe dryckeaners to pick up my uniform when I looked down there's was a brand new 100 dollar bill laying there.. It's meant to be.. The bill is now my bookmark!
Welcome to DG Family
I am from Georgia and brand new as well. I just wanted to welcome you and wish you all the luck. It sounds as if you realy won't need luck you already have that!! lol.