REI in training

All About chucknevada

Las Vegas

Basic Info

Truck Driver

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Chuck NV

Hello Chuck: I too live in Nevada, except I live in the right place in NV. RENO !!! Ha Ha ... Welcome aboard. I just joined in May. I am trying to get this REI off the ground. Well take care and "Keep on Trucking", for now that is! Until you become a millionaire real soon. Johnny D.


Sorry, I thought your name is Chuck. I did not see your name is Pat. See ya. Johnny D.

Thanks Johnny!

Thanks for the welcome. How do you like Reno? Ha! Why is it better than Vegas? We have the highest foreclosure rate in the country! That means more opportunity for people like you and I! Anyway, how for along are you in REI? I have read Dean's book, and surfed this website, but have not done much else for action. I plan to soon, but being on the road all the time makes looking at houses and meeting up with people difficult. God Bless
