
All About crowsmith

Lance L. Smith
About Me: 

I'm married and have four kids, three girls 12 - 10 & 3. I have an 18 year old son that moved out recentlly. Even though my son moved out it is still a crazy busy house hold. my 10 & 12 year olds play soccer and basketball. The 12 year old also plays volleyball. My time is very valuable but I still think the time I put into DG is going to eventually benefit my kids. Thats allways my ultimate goal is to provide for my family! Every day I work around dangerous conditions but recently I had a very close call at work (life threating). A few days later I saw Dean on t.v. and decided to buy the two books. Ever since I received the books in the mail I have been reading the books and going online to his site. I think everything in life happens for a reason good or bad and we need to learn from those times. recognize the signs. I'm going to make a better life for my family!

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


greetings's picture

good luck wish you the best...