Joined: 2012-03-12
Points: 350

Darren Ferrell
Live Near Yosemite National Park, calif
About Me:
Joined Success Academy April 10, 2012
Married my high school sweetheart ( 30 Years ago )
Worked construction field for 25 yrs,drove a high school bus for many yrs,
also worked in maint/const dept. for school dist.near 20 years till I broke my back ( 3 surgeries Later )Had to Retire But I am not letting this Bump stop me ,Thank you Jesus !!
Love life, Every Day is a awesome Day !!
Love Sun rises, Sunsets ,Bright Sunny Days
Ready To Become Financially Set for Me and My Family,
And Mom Of Coarse !! ( She Is My Mentor )
Watching my team Pittsburgh Steelers (Dream to go to Heinz field for the Season) Love Gardening & Sunsets with my Bride of 30 Years!!
Trying to Find a Good Real Estate Agent ( First Post)
Hi Everybody,
I am in the Success Academy nearing 4 weeks now,( My coach Chris is awesome)I have around 12 Buyers on my list I have located , (7-8 are I feel will be good Buyers) I am trying to find a good Real Estate Agent,I called 1 in Stockton,ca using Re-max ,asked her to send me 7-10 listings that she thought would net us some profit. She did send me some the next day,she said she sorted thru around 108 properties and sent me 5. I thought to my self that 1.she was maybee feeling me out to see if I was a serious investor? 2. maybee she did not have a lot of experience with working with investors?
So I emailed her back after viewing the 5 properties she emailed to me ( by the way I told her we looking to invest in the stockton area and she sent 1 property which was in the modesto area) and asked her to please send me if available 10-15 more properties to view, so she emailed me back much later in the afternoon and said that their inventory was low due to receiving multiple offers? I have looking at the different listings on different realtor sites and I am not seeing low inventory and I am seeing some prices on properties with some really good equity in them.
Maybee it it time to get my realtor list back out and make some more calls to find a different agent, or should I give her a chance still?
I think I should find another agent ,What do you guys think? Any advice would be a blessing
Darren ( Yosemite Guy )