All About dillionaire
Topics I've Participated In
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #283 - Could your delays be strategic? | dgadmin | 35 | 10 years 45 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #211 - How to Get a FMV Loan | dgadmin | 148 | 11 years 26 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi's Weekly Wisdom #247 - How Can You Unleash Your Power | dgadmin | 92 | 11 years 28 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #145 - Several New and Exiciting Updates | dgadmin | 151 | 12 years 24 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #149 - This is the House that John Won!!! | dgadmin | 190 | 12 years 25 weeks ago |
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getting started!
Merry Christmas,
Dean to you and your wonderful family..I am going to do great things in the incoming Year ... I am not complaining this is just facts.. I need to update my computer because when I listen to your videos, my computer keeps start and then stops..Very disturbing I am trying to figure out how to get my computer fixed since my income is limited for now and I had knee Surgery on Nov 8, 2011 which kept me in bed up until today...I have been reading all I can regarding your lessons and all ...So look out for miss Coleman I am waiting to get started soon and I plan on surprising a lot of people ..especially me..Well God Bless and have a wonderful Great New Year...
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videos 1, and 2 credit?
Hey Dean,
I am truly enjoying viedo 1, and 2.
Just asking are there any credits for looking at those videos? I concur with the the change your life, stop making excuses, and make money.. I remember from the recent video that only 20% of real estate agents are willing to help. I remember Sift, sort, Screen. Follow through and the Real estate person will do most of the work .. Avoid negative people especially the ones I know which are only a few. I tend to shy away from those types of people because I am generally hard enough on myself. DOM days on the Market..Buy, fix, flip.. Dean have a wonderful Holiday and a safe one for you and your Family..God Bless, you and yours....
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I am so grateful for being able to listen to Brendon videos, and finally Greg H. I took fantastic notes and plan to study them faithfully.. I have been pretty darn busy. The valuable information I recieved from Brendon has stopped me from watching so much TV. My Shows were Food Network, Design on a Dime.. House Hunters, Flip this House with Armando..I learned from him if you see cracks in the house it means the house is unleveled. Then professonal help is called in to put Pliers, under the house to level the house again. To test the house one can put a gulf ball on the floor, and see if it rolls in any way..
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Feb 4th!
I plan to attend the Semiar next weekend, in hopes of winning the laptop as well as gathering, valuable information...I really would have purschased Brendon, and Greg H. programs but I just can't at this time. I searched every possible way within my means from borrowing, to taking items to the pawn shop but nothing seemed workable..I have still been reading your Real Estate, book and listening to the Videos. I am dertermind to succeed.Thanks for all your wonderful help.
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The Villian
The Villian within message, reminded
me of a time in my life..Back in 2002
I had a medical problem and I was told I had 3 more years to live...Well that did not sit well with me..First of all I started planning what I would do and should do..I started to give things away and stayed in the bed a lot more often. I became depressed and that didnot feel well. I watched quite a few religious programs and all of a sudden one day I said NO! I will not let this happen to me. I grab all my positive Books, and I started Praying everyday, I helped other people and took my mind off of ME! and sure enough after just 30 days I begin to feel better.. I said my daily affirmations and mediatated in the early am..I visualize myself already Healed, and feeeling Great each and every day..Well in 2005 I went to the Doctors and he said I was OK what happend he stated, and I said I prayed to God to Heal me and he did..I went to three different Doctors and they all said the same thing I was OK!!!!!!
Surprise! I thought just recently Now I can do this for my Business and Visualize myself a Success, why not??
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still interested!
Hey Dean,
I havn't been able to get onto the comptuer, because mine took a vacation. Everything I email returned back to me as Mailer daemon, failure notice. As if that wasn't enough my mother had a heart attack, and I had to attend to her every need..There are six of us grown chileren and only two were able to help or would help. After all that's my mom.. I am not giving up
I need and want to continue more than ever now. A friend of mine sent me the info on a Book called The Healing Code. by Alexander loyd/ Ben Johnson this book has healed a man of Lou Gehrag's disease, and it has healed 95% of the people who has use or read this book ..using the 6 minute exercise and other affirmations in the book ...pls share this with your readers..The book can be found at Amazon .com for 19.93 used or 21.98 new..I am going to give a try got my mother.
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wast of time
thanks for the continue support..I had a few back sets but I am back on track now.. I must continue my journey with Real Estate more than ever now... I hope Tim calls me back I have found two hundred dollars for the training and hopefully I can come up with the rest if I am selected for the training...I am ready, I am desparate... I want a better life, I deserve it..
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just saw172
Hi dean,
I just saw 172 video, and thanks, I had the implant taken out of my knee on Wed, however I AM READY!!!! So next week about Tues, I am going to see an Real Estate agent ..I know of a person at BOA Bank who is going to work with me but I jumping the gun on that I think..I will get an Real Estate agent and ask I would like a list of your starter homes,either vacant, as is, or with a price reduction.. I am going to listen to your blog several times so I can get it right...Since there are 100"s of listing ask him to send me 25 homes with the notes on it...Then the next level is Motivation is to sell look for the Handyman special, diamond in the ruff...two things to remeber is if the agent ask how many have I sold,
just say you would't believe it if I told you..How am I going to pay with cash of course..I want to buy, flip, a fix home..First find a Estate Agent make at least 15 calls don't jump on the first one that says OK..or maybe 25 calls if need be..anyway so far this is what I got out of the video 172. thanks I will succeed with your help....
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credits pls!
Hey Dean,
I just saw tranformations video,
and WOW, Super stuff...I am ready however, I could not register because of course my computer is still acting up..please can you register me or put on the list please, please, I am grateful for what ever you can do...I finally got all the negative people out of my life...I am moving on the first of May and I will be very focus and driven just watch me . Somewhere around the 10 th of the month of May, or maybe sooner providing on what I learn from your telecast...Well thanks for the inspiration ...I truly appreciate all that you do for us..God Bless..
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don't count me out just yet!
Hello Dean,
I am moving this weekend thru may 5th..
I am down sizing in order to be able to attend some of your workshops and to join in the 25-1 ..Pls don't x me out..give me another chance...I removed all the negative people from my life and now in a couple weeks I will be a new person and ready to change my life and take care of me, and help in a more productive way...
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don't count me out just yet!
Hello Dean,
I am moving this weekend thru may 5th..
I am down sizing in order to be able to attend some of your workshops and to join in the 25-1 ..Pls don't x me out..give me another chance...I removed all the negative people from my life and now in a couple weeks I will be a new person and ready to change my life and take care of me, and help in a more productive way...
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Dear Dean,
finally I am moved and next week I will be getting all my electronics and phone systems, and all setup. I am truly happy and finally I can concentrate one me. I will be very busy organizing my apartment this week, so I can get started on nothing but my Real Estate,soon I am just so Happy now . take care..
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Dear Dean,
finally I am moved and next week I will be getting all my electronics and phone systems, and all setup. I am truly happy and finally I can concentrate one me. I will be very busy organizing my apartment this week, so I can get started on nothing but my Real Estate,soon I am just so Happy now . take care..
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Dear Dean,
finally I am moved and next week I will be getting all my electronics and phone systems, and all setup. I am truly happy and finally I can concentrate one me. I will be very busy organizing my apartment this week, so I can get started on nothing but my Real Estate,soon I am just so Happy now . take care..
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I am Readt!
Dear Dean,
Now that I am ready to go here's what has happened I went online to the foreclosure in your Book, and they stated that a list would be mailed out? and then I started getting calls from RE agents.. Is this the norm? I then try to download your free book totally fulfilled, and my computer said that the Adobe Reader could not download because the file is damaged, and could not be repaired..My computer is still in need of repairing. I am not going to give up. I will keep trying Pray for me I need right about now.
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I am Readt!
Dear Dean,
Now that I am ready to go here's what has happened I went online to the foreclosure in your Book, and they stated that a list would be mailed out? and then I started getting calls from RE agents.. Is this the norm? I then try to download your free book totally fulfilled, and my computer said that the Adobe Reader could not download because the file is damaged, and could not be repaired..My computer is still in need of repairing. I am not going to give up. I will keep trying Pray for me I need right about now.
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Dear Dean,
You are such a wonderful man.. God Bless you for helping out during a tragic time..I missed
the Blog action because my Mom had pneumonia and was in the hospital, and when she got out,
I went up North to help my baby sister moved from Palo, Alto to Palmdale..It took us 4 days we had very little help and paid a fortune to get a few guys to help..anyway I also learned that my Family in S.I new york had to go over brooklyn to my aunt's house ..their were 10 people in 4 bedroom place..In fact they are still there.. so thank you so much for your help. Now that I have my new computer and clear out a lot of clutter in life I can now focus on my ReaL Estate.. I am so ready !!
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The School!
Dear Dean,
I feel so sad for those parents..I must say I feel as though I knew those children because I work with and raise other children besides my two. I love children and never want to see them mistreated by anyone! So I have been praying a lot for the parents of those children.. May God Bless them and keep them in his Heart...
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The School!
Dear Dean,
I feel so sad for those parents..I must say I feel as though I knew those children because I work with and raise other children besides my two. I love children and never want to see them mistreated by anyone! So I have been praying a lot for the parents of those children.. May God Bless them and keep them in his Heart...
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Student ..
Happy New Year Dean,
I would have love to try for partnering in your DG Family but I am still learning and I did do the assignment and I must say it was very interesting and I will keep up the good work..It's not as hard as I thought it would be..
Dean California have a lot of deals especially in an area called Palmdale Ca their are about 8- 10 vacant house on one block about.. Here's one ad although I have seen first hand these other Houses personally..SF
$190,000 Lot Sz 8,868
5/BR/3/BA, footage: 3,417 Sq. FT
Formal DR& LR, Kit, Huge Master Ste, (4023 Sta)
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Hello Dean,
for some odd reason when I look at the Blog's I don't get credit for it..Go figure! Well all that you say is true! the Pasadena Star News
wrote now is the Time to Buy - if you can.
Homes are back in reach for many buyers in 2013
but competition, loan rules complicate the picture ...but personally we can get around that! I am sure.. Home Builders see a recovering market, as well..Investors also predicts big jump for 2013.. Hooray! Thanks for another Great Blog Dean..
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weekly wisdom
Hey Dean,
I really enjoyed the 3 M's very informative.
I have to tell you, I also enjoy the DF website..really Awesome! I joined for 6 Months, and so far I love the whole concept of the program training...I am just now getting used to all the materials, and not feeling so overwhelm..Thanks for all that you do, and as always, God Bless you and your wonderful Family..
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Dean thank you Sooooooooooo, much for the #240
d wisdom, I was just doing the very thing you spoke of, because I thought you were connected to those people...Now I can delete them and just focus on the RE Dean's style...I pay the $99.99 per month, and was asked to join the 12month training...well I almost cried, because I can barely afford the monthly charge..I really need help in getting started, the mentor program would have done the trick for me, but now I will continue doing the best that I can...I thank you with all of my heart, you still the kindest, generous, human being on the face of this Earth...take care I am proud to be in the Dean's Family Circle...
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Dear Dean,
I am requesting that maybe you could select me for one of your up coming students this April? I am a good student it just that I can't seem to work alone, when I am taking a course I do quite well, even if you try me out for 30 days? I am not lazy, I promise you! last year I loss both parents and I had been helping to take care of them and sometimes the whole caregiver fell completely on me..
Now that they are gone I had to try taking care of myself. I need to earn at least $15,000 asap so I can function properly these are not excuses just reality.. So please consider me and if you don't I will understand however, if you don't can I continue as a student for the $39.95 deal? but if I am selected as a Student then I will pay the $200.00 per month..
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blog name
Dear Dean,
any suggestions when I am ready to listen to your daily invites on my computer the lesson is double talk.
I hear you talking and then your lesson has you talking again behind the already begin lesson...so please
advise me on what to do ...So I can
enjoy the lessons sent to me..thank you
and have a great day! I am so ready to start making money I will listen to every thing you send me...