
All About e-bunny

e-bunny's picture
Mary Tisdell
Saginaw, Minnesota
About Me: 

I have my AA degree. I was suppose to start Real Estate school in January but the class was canceled. Now I am trying to find another way to get my license, not many options in Minnesota. So I thought would take the course for Texas also. Since my partner is from there.

I thought getting my Real Estate license will help me. I have been watching the blogs and reading Dean's book first. It may seem I'm not doing much but working on trying to get my real estate License will help.

I have 2 kids and 2 kids from my partner, plus and 8 Grandchildren combined/

I haven't worked in several years and I want to make money to live on and to retire on, so my partner and I can start living and not hibernating. So this is our first step.

I don't have any backup for retirement and I know I need to do something, my Partner Michael heard about DG and we thought we would try it, since we have tried things in the past that didn't work out.

reading, camping, and traveling

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hey, Mary.

Dana Leigh's picture

I love reading and traveling. I used to love camping. I mean real camping. Now, I gotta dream for a tricked out RV. ; ) Good luck to you an Michael. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.