EllyMay Clampett

All About EllyMay Clampett

Rebecca Barrington
Northern NV

Topics I've Participated In

Starting a buyers list Christopher Lee...279 years 12 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 13 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #155 - Real Results Require Right Actions dgadmin9013 years 13 weeks ago
RBBP - Admin Mark K2613 years 24 weeks ago
Credit repair scarlson213 years 26 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Rebecca!

Valuni's picture

just signing in your guestbook to welcome you to this site; I couldn't but smile when I saw your "Nickname".
You will find great information and resources on this site to help you succeed on your rei journey!


Thank you

Please forgive my delayed response...I only just discovered this section.

In fact, I'm having a fair amount of difficulty in general in locating certain areas of the site! I'll read something somewhere, respond to the topic with a question, then when I return later to look for comments to my post, I'm unable to find even the original item of interest! I'm sure everyone experiences a similar level of frustration and overwhelm as they learn to navigate the site. But I hope my learning curve shortens...FAST.

I'm glad you got a kick out of the monaker, you must be an animal lover too?? Eye-wink I can sure identify with the character...1 part city girl to 2 parts country girl...1 part rich girl to 2 parts poor girl (working to eliminate the last half of the latter one!) and 100% animal lover.

I currently live on small acreage in Northern NV with horses, dogs, cats, ducks and chickens. I'm hoping to add a small herd of sheep to the mix as soon as I can manage it financially.

Enough about me...what area of the country do you live? ...and invest? I'm anxious to get confident enough to branch out into other areas of the country that interest me.

Thank you for your warm welcome.
Kind regards,
Rebecca (aka: Elly May)