
All About helpme2

helpme2's picture
Michael H. Radtke
Saginaw , MN & Sealy , Texas (or vs)
About Me: 

Mechanical-Structural Design Engineer , 10+ years.
Most recently :
Self-employed. Own , drove & ran a 48 state trucking corp. for 20+ years .
Widower & now long term relationship
2 of mine and 2 from her previous . Ages range from 29 to 40 .

For some time I've been looking at my past and future . The past had a nice high point then life threw a curve ball in. From then on it was on a bumpy down turn and finally fell in a hole and the future looked just plain gravely grime . Don't even have the skinny mini social security coming . No 401k . NOTHING ! Lost what I had for retirement to medical and associated bills . With my having been independent from the "normal" work force for so long and now being on the lower end of senior citizenship those options are out! I desperately need to do something , quickly if possible .
Had seen Deans' ads a number of times and finally ordered/joined . Carols' and other peoples' video clips in those ads stuck in my mind. Especially hers. I figured if Dean had a way to fix her/their situation(s) I should be able to find one similar for me. Smiling
I had tried two other systems to find out you needed $ money $ so you could buy them, hold them, rent or resell them later. Ooh ooh! For what purpose? To increase my net worth! Sad Been there done that. Prefer not to do that again. At this point net worth is the lessor thing I need.
I liked the idea of find and relay directly to a buyer without my name on the sellers contracts as owner/buyer. Smiling Fairly instant cash vs hold. I figured he (Dean) had the ways/strategies to do that so I can pay off that past and get a future. Smiling

Goals: Study, read & discuss, formulate craft or choose a plan that fit, creatively work to put it in action & tweak it so I can pay off the old accumulated debts first ! Get my own place in north Texas and one in MN while building a retirement . Get'er done.
Tired of being J.U.B., (just under broke), depressed and tensed up, not being able to do and/or complete a project, or have any fun & real laughs.

Restoring older Ford pick ups , fishing , traveling , camping

Topics I've Participated In

Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 44 weeks ago
"We Buy Houses" bumper stickers - Do they work? thishousebuyer108 years 1 week ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 12 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 16 weeks ago
DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Some Post Graduate


help u

first u need to read dean's book and find a stragey that would best fit u,study,research ask? and go from there.hope that helps

Bob Smiths' comment/answer

helpme2's picture

Well sir , my latest strategy got me a couple asset account bankers and real estate brokers/agencies politely telling no and pointing to Deans' books , saying they know what I'm doing and if it comes down to it they will do some of that themselves through the back door . There opinion is that I win and the investor(s) may win but all others lose . The other side of it is with this climate where it can hit -65F and regularly doesn't get above zero FSBOs are slim to none . There are no REI clubs , contractor groups/clubs , banker association meetings , etc that I've found any closer than 150 miles plus away . These people are tight with each other . Newbes and others aren't welcome and they show you the door . I don't have the means or the time Rina did . She was already connected before she started here at DG and she is farther south too . Well , round 8 , ding ding ! I try to use the FAL for this area and all I get is a fallen down barber pole spinning in a snow bank , etc . Same for the rest of the programs too . Blank white screen saying sorry no info for that area . I've watched and studied all 107 blogs making notes plus another batch of videos and DVDs plus parts of 3 books of Deans' for the areas of this I could financially try . So help , yes ! Thank you for your reply .

help u

helpme2's picture

Bob & all . Merry Christmas . Me ? Heading for round 9 .

Onward ! Mush dogs Mush ! Got to go south where there is population .

buyers list

I went to my local real estate agent and had her pull up a list of recently bought homes in tbhe last 90 days from there I narrowed tht down to who bought with cash dean has some pre made letters you can copy and mail out. another way is to call for rent ads and see if they are interested in more properties and also if they would consider selling there house buyers list is key I am down to the last bit of money so I have to get it rolling remmember failure is just the bumps on the road to success

place ads

place an ad in the local newpaper to call them out in the area or place signs out and around town.sorry about post to u thought i was typing trustpoint hope that info help

Ford Pickup?

Dana Leigh's picture

Awesome! Michael. I'd love to see some pics of your work. One of my goals is to give Dee an old pickup when she quits her night job. Peace, Dana


investorinmissouri's picture

Michael I want to thank you for bringing up the top of the disclosure nondisclosure thing. It was information i needed to check out:) Thanks again:)


Hi I'm Candace Just stopping by to say Hello ! , I'm looking for Cash Buyers I have Properties but No Buyers .

Heres my Website :


Hi I'm Candace Just stopping by to say Hello ! , I'm looking for Cash Buyers I have Properties but No Buyers .

Heres my Website :

Hi Michael

Valuni's picture

Just signing in your guestbook to wish you success on your rei journey. Congratulations on finishing the SA lessons and passing the last exam! now you have to go out there and put the theory to practice.
Remember that every no that you get means you're getting closer to a yes; so keep at it!

Keep doing something for your rei every day,
