
All About jay_petro

Joseph J Petroni

Topics I've Participated In

30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 29 weeks ago
Best way to find cash buyers anywhere in US!! dccapital4713 years 5 days ago
Just getting started jay_petro813 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



kareng's picture

Welcome to the DG site. You will get a lot of valuable information here.

I recommend you use it wisely by reading as much as you possibly can.

Good luck.



dinoMartino's picture

Hey Joe:
Welcome to the DG site. You really need to spend more time updating your profile.
For one...what area of the country are you located in ?
Like you, I too worked in construction for many many years. Started work at 7:00 A.M. every morning knowing I had the security of a labor Foreman telling me what to do.
I think the mis-nomer of job security here in this country is a true
Here you have to take that initiative you might not have had to take when you were working for somebody else.

What kind of construction work are you in ? Commercial high rise ? Organized Union or non union residential ?

It is a little nerve racking and a little gut wrenching when your first stepping out on your own, but youv'e got all the support you need to make it work, right here at
Dean Graziosi.com
Do you have any idea of what area you'd like to start your investing ?

("Inquiring minds wanna know.")
