Joined: 2010-05-28
Points: 437

Jason Blydenburgh
Akron Ohio
About Me:
I got started in Real Estate in 2008 by attending some classes. Within my first two years I closed 7 wholesale deals. Payed off some debt and bought a new Mercedes Benz c300 sport sedan. After that I became hooked to real estate and the possibilities. I am looking to close more wholesale deals on a consistant basis and amp it up to producing 6 figures in income annually.
Real Estate investing is my passion, there is so much you can do with it. It is challenging, exciting, scary and fun all at the same time. What more could you ask for? Oh and you can make a ton of money and set yourself financially free!! Thats all I really am looking for and this is the vehicle for it.
Love Traveling, Eating amazing food, Golfing, Having a good time with friends and family.
What is comp? Comparables? Well if u find some $10k and under houses that are not on craigslist send me the addresses and I will do my research get them on contract and reassign. Once sold everybody gets paid. Thanks.