I had just finished both of Deans recent books and i am really excited but i dont know how to start. I am really nervouse and all the verbage are foreign to me. I am just tired of living paycheck to paycheck just to be in debt. My wife and i never even finished a jr. college. We are a young couple,29 and 25, we have five beautiful children and one on the way. We just have one income and things just got tough on us.
We were up late doing chores when we saw Deans infomercial and had decided to order his books. We didn't have any credit cards due to bad management so we went to Wal-mart to load a pre-paid card and decided to order with our bill money. I mean we are deep in a hole and there's no way but up. This was the best investment we ever did in our 10 years of marriage.
We have bad credit and no money down so Deans technique should help us. As i write this bio, we are currently stable and by saying stable is that we were homeless for a couple of days and got some help. Started a second job and this my third lol. God bless. There is really nice people out there. So my motivation as of now is really up in the sky, but there is some fear of not getting help or being laugh at. I really hope this will be a ticket out for us. I keep saying we and us because this is all we have just each other.
Im so glad they have this sited im still learning and there is so much free help and information.
~~As long as the river runs thru and the grass green and rice growing i am the riches man alive~~ Chinese Proverbs
Hello DG family Happy
Hello DG family
Happy Holidays