Having a little trouble starting my buyers list. Dont really know what to put in my ads? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated..
Having a little trouble starting my buyers list. Dont really know what to put in my ads? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated..
Try to find a local real estate club and ask around on the forum. Craig's List has a lot of posts from investors. Call or e-mail those investors asking how they pay for houses and the criteria they look for. Just a couple ideas.
Success and Nothing Less!
I am new to this business and I was wondering did it take you long to build your buyers list? What would be the fastest way to build one quickly?
The way I found buyers was to look for the I Buy Houses signs,Craigslist, and also through investor group websites and other real estate sites. So far I have 4 cash buyers and the criteria they are looking for and I have left messages for a few others and I have about 10 more to call. I am also going to an investor group meeting in about a week and will hopefully get more cash buyers. Hope that helps...
Thanks for the info. Like I said I just sign up and I need to make an extra income quickly because I am not working right now. So I need to find the best way to succeed in VA.
Everyone's advice is good, but don't let your lack of a buyer's list stop you from getting your deals. If you have a good deal you will find the buyers. That's how you build your buyers list. If you're getting close to your deal falling through then contact one of the people who advertise as "We Buy Houses!" The majority of them should have a nice buyer's list. Tell them if they find a buyer you will split the profit 50/50. They will get the house sold fast since you did all the work of locking it up and all they had to do was call one of their buyers.
Thank you to everyone who has posted. I am trying many different things and I have found a couple buyers and I am going to look at a house tomorrow. Not sure what im doing after that. But one step at a time.
If you dont get up and do anything,nothing will Happen!!!!!!
Chance Property Investments
Thats good news! Build that thing to be as large as possible!
Success and Nothing Less!
I will never accept defeat there for I will never fail
This post was helpful. I'm going to follow thru with each step outlined above.
The race isn't given to the swift, but to those who'll endure to the end.
I was on craigslist earlier and couldn't find very many real estate investors. Could you guide me the way and suggest some search phrases for me to try?
Maybe it's just my area that doesn't have a lot of investors?
I would absolutely not worry about a buyers list. Spend your energy on finding and locking up a deal. The Buyers will show up.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions
What is the best way to find those "killer" deals? Do you use the sites on the net, or are there other ways to do this?
I have a few places to look for buyers that have worked for me.
I've found the best way is to just get out there to every real estate site you can. Don't give up. If one or two sites don't give you what you want, don't give up. Just keep going. It will work out in the end, if you don't quit.
I just got an email from one of the ads Ive posted on craigslist. I hope this will be of benifit to the DG family. One of the ads I posted on craigslist was one where I was looking for investors. Hoping to build my buyers list. well someone sent me an email refering me to this website and Ive been there most of the day lol. Right now the site is free, it is a nationwide listing of investors (buyers). Most give a profile of the investor, the type of property, and some even say if they are cash buyers and will welcome referals from other investors. I cant say just how good the site is as Ive only been on it one day but Ive been trying to build a buyers list. lol poor boy that I am I want to have a buyer before I go and start putting contracts on properties. I tryed the local investment club and it looks as though the one in my area went bust lol. But this looks to be one of the best leads Ive had sofar and it looks to have come from another investor. lol my ads posted said that I was looking for other investors in the area and was looking for someone willing to mentor with me. So maybe someone took heart lol. I plan on emailing them back and saying thank you. So here is the site before I get any more long winded http://leadtakle.com . I hope this can be of some help to some of you out there in DG family. May you finds those "killer deals" lol lonely only in Virginia.
This may be a stupid question, but I am going to run with the advice you guys are giving here. My question is when I go to one of these real estate club meetings what do I wear. I am a t shirt and jeans kind of guy, well thats what I am use to wearing everyday anyway because of my job. As an investor when I stop at a house I am interesting in and want to speak to the owner, is there a suit and tie needed to look more professional or is that overkill.
They told me I couldnt, So I did it.
The motivation for me, is them telling me what I cannot be.
Havent tried it just yet, but when I went to rei.com I found investment clubs in my area. There are six in my state, but one of them gets together every other week and they have two lists. The HAVES and the WANTS. The haves list being the sellers and the wants list being the buyers. This seems to be a good way of building my buyers list very quickly. I will get back to you guys and let you know how it turned out.
They told me I couldnt, So I did it.
The motivation for me, is them telling me what I cannot be.
About how to dress for the REI meeting, here in FL it is very casual some people jeans, tee-shirts & shorts. You could always ask them if there is dress code or if you don't feel comfortable asking you could wear nice slacks & shirt. If you are over dressed you'll know better next time.
Best of luck to you.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
thankyou so much. I will call and see if there is a dress code. Thats so simple, I have no idea why I didnt think of that. Also this question is for anyone who can help. I have noticed that a lot of these investor clubs charge membership fees is this normal?
They told me I couldnt, So I did it.
The motivation for me, is them telling me what I cannot be.
We have attended a local REI groups that is free with the cost of lunch (it's held at a restaurant.) When speakers come to the meeting everyone donates $1.
There is another REI group that another investor told us about. It is $5 if paid on-line ahead of time or $10 at the door. We'll be attending their next meeting in early November. I've heard some nice things about this group.
Just got an invite regarding a group that meets once a month, 40 miles north of us 1st meeting is free - there is no mention of the cost after that but I'll find out at the free meeting.
Best of luck with this.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
I'm new to the site and I'm looking for a REI club in the Boston area. Thanks in advance for you help.
The site you gave us is missing 1 letter on the addy. It should be:
Hope this helps some.
Abundance Is Our Birthright
Check out reiclub.com it lists all of the investors clubs in each state.
They told me I couldnt, So I did it.
The motivation for me, is them telling me what I cannot be.
thank u every one 4 the help on the buyers list
thank u every one 4 the help on the buyers list
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What did you say in the actual ad on CL, to bring you slamming replies? Did you leave your name, phone number, etc.? Thank you.