Joined: 2012-11-18
Points: 37

Sima M Schwartz
Worcester, MA
About Me:
I am 66 years old. I own 3-Family house for 10 years. My mortgage is $1,103.34 a month. No savings. Social Security, Supplemental Income and Madicaid are $837.66. I have $200.00 a month from teaching the Piano. So, to be able to pay my mortgage I add every month a couple hundreds from a credit card!
Last hobby was to help Barack Obama to win reelection. Recent: watch Cooking shows, walk. Early in my life I've been interested in Real Estate, and made several transactions. During my long life I had many other Hobbies.
I also teach
I also teach piano-part-time.
And I've had two other part time jobs. The idea was that the part-time would allow me to "do what I really loved". But over the years unexpected things like emergency surgery kept eating away at my resources and time to do the things I loved.
But with real estate I can see the light at the end of the tunnel again. I've learned to see (in my heart) larger checks, and to not just focus on bills.
Last year I made $24,000 in one month in financial services. This year I plan to do the same in Real Estate.
Never stop. Never give up.