
All About lindalhl

heather Lindal
Camano Island, WA
About Me: 

I am a full time mother of 2, wife, Human Services professional, employment specialist, residetial support specialist, early learning advocate, resource researcher, and a REI. I worked my way through college on welfare and have been welfare free for over 1yr, I am trying to keep my home as I also try to keep my job- all due to funding and the pain of the budget crunches.

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 - dgadmin71011 years 47 weeks ago
Finding a Mentor jlandreneau14412 years 15 weeks ago
HL going for the gold Journal lindalhl614 years 5 weeks ago
excited and scared lindalhl014 years 10 weeks ago

Basic Info

Human Services Professional
Have Child(ren)
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



randy428's picture

Welcome, Their is a lot of great info on this site. Don't forget about the success academy if you haven;t already joined.


Thank you

Thank you for the welcome- I have joined the success academy and spent every dime that I had doing it- but I still don't know if this is going to work. My sister-in-law has cash 150K-200K now to buy a home or a rental prop, but I just don't know what to do I have been meeting with REI groups and starting to network- but I just don't know if I can do this... the fear of not having the money to pay my bills are getting stronger. I wish that there was someway to have someone walk me though my 1st deal. I know that after I get over that 1st one that everything will be great but it is getting over that 1st hill. Fear is my biggest problem right now-


Hi m


HI Heather my name is David. I too just joined the success academy. I live in Longview WA, PM me and maybe we can work together? Whatever you do don't give up. I know how you feel.I think its natural to be afraid. Don't let your fear get the best of you. Any way keep trying and learning and I believe we can all do this if we just don't give up. Have a great day hope to hear from you.