Joined: 2010-08-11
Points: 39

Mik Stone
About Me:
I am a 55 year young female looking to get out of debt and to be able to help people with the money I will make from your program.
I am currently going to college on line and my course of study is Criminal Justice. I am too old to get a job in that field, however, not too old to buy real estate.
I am planning on moving from Ca. back to Mich. to take care of my sick mother. I cannot wait for the day that I can tell her "Mom we are rich, you can buy whatever you want." I know through the goodness of Dean's program that day is getting shorter.
God Bless you Dean.
Mik Stone
Waiting for materuals
I am getting pumped up watching Dean's video's. I am anxiously waiting for the materials I ordered. How much longer do I have to wait?
Dean you are the best! Your enthusiasm is great.