
All About nataly62008

nataly62008's picture

Topics I've Participated In

Let's Talk About Rental Contracts RoyVoeks1311 years 11 weeks ago
Walking the walk... Dana Leigh5013 years 30 weeks ago

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Dana Leigh's picture

for stopping by my journal. Does my heart good to hear from you, Natalya. But I gotta admit, I wasted a year in analysis paralysis. You can avoid that pitfall. Read. Read. Read. Yes, but do daily at the same time, eh.
peace, Dana


kareng's picture

Welcome to the DG site. You will get a lot of valuable information here.

I recommend you use it wisely by reading as much as you possibly can.

Good luck.


Dana, thank you for advise.

nataly62008's picture

Dana, thank you for advise. I'm reading DG book, it give some general idea of directions you can go, just not feel ready yet to make any steps.
You right, I need to read EVERY DAY!!!
What books can you suggest me to read, after I finish DG?

Regards, Natalya


nataly62008's picture

Thank you very much for your advice, that is what I'm doing wright now. Reading DG book. It has a lot of information but I feel like it's still not enough. (I'm not finish reading yet).
Amazed by leads available on this website!

Thank you,
