
All About OmahaGuy

OmahaGuy's picture
Robert Jackson
Omaha, NE
About Me: 

I was an investor/Landlord back in the 80's when no money down was first introduced. I had probably 15-20 houses before my family and I was sick of the tenant problems.

I know real estate is the place to be now, but until I found Dean's infomercial, did I start to reconsider.

I have several income streams, but not enough to quit my job yet.

I have been battling cancer since 2006, and the Sh*t keeps coming back. I keep fighting back, and I am am still here! I want to be financially independent in case I am homebound because of my battle with the big 'C'. Smiling

Selling stuff on eBay...Playing the guitar...Going to yard sales.

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 44 weeks ago
Locked up 1st Deal Today !!! FreshStartREI1612 years 42 weeks ago
How to search out vacant properties? rsaldana3212 years 43 weeks ago
Edge 2011 OmahaGuy912 years 47 weeks ago
Just Attended Deans Seminar! HELP! OmahaGuy513 years 4 days ago

Basic Info

Almost self employed
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Bob

Valuni's picture

just stopping by to sign in your guestbook to wish you success on both your personal and your rei journeys.
Keep up your fight, and stay focused on your goals, and never, never give up!

Oh yes, and get yourself a great Property Manager for your properties!


Hey Omaha Guy - did I meet you?

stevehunter's picture

Hello Robert - you were at the 3 day workshop at the Hilton March 16-18, right? I think we met, perhaps my face looks familiar. If you are getting geared up to invest, let's talk. I am in Western Nebraska and need to branch out. Please pm me if you like.

I would love to chat about Omaha REI

SteveJarman's picture


I hope this finds you well and I wish you the best with your health. I'm new to the DG family although I have some experience in REI. I'm living in Utah, but travel to Omaha about once a month to visit my girlfriend. I'm very interested in branching out to start investing in Omaha and would love to chat sometime. Send me a PM and we can exchange phone numbers.


Keep Fighting

Hi Robert,

I too live in Omaha,NE new to RE investing & just getting started. Maybe we can exchange ideas some time. Just want to say I admire your strength and courage in your current battle. Keep fighting & keep getting back up.

Keep up the fight and I'm

gwizee's picture

Keep up the fight and I'm happy for your suucess