orangedusk's Profile

All About timeovermoney1

Kevin C,
About Me: 

I worked with a sucessful investor in Atlanta by the name of Mark Neighbor who showed me alot of things but I ended up makng the move to another area of the country in Maryland. I'm a true entruprenuer at heart and am dedicated to making real estate work.

Self empowerment, Business, Real Estate, E-Commerce, Basketball, baseball, football, history, politics, philosophy

Topics I've Participated In

Can you make $100K a year doing assignments? pandpvinc3613 years 12 weeks ago
New Strategy timeovermoney1413 years 42 weeks ago
Real Estate Investing in Maryland DGNancyC2514 years 11 weeks ago
Lease Option ? (Like Greg Murphy) curtisfillers814 years 17 weeks ago
lease optioning upside down houses timeovermoney1614 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

Staffing Consultant/supervisor
No Children
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Tim

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Dean's board. I know you will find lots of helpful information on the board and by talking with members here. If you can fill in your profile information I know you will find someone in your area to network with. A lot of great partnerships have been formed here on the board. Good luck to you!

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


Thanks for the Warm Welcome :)

Thanks, so much sistreat and JJD! I am looking forward to using this great resource and becoming a successful investor, and completely pumped about getting started. Sistreat I've already noticed you give great and helpful advice. We newbies do appreciate the help. I'll be speaking with you guys in the future and keeping everyone informed with my progess. I will be very active here on the forums!