Joined: 2009-07-27
Points: 46

Raymond H. Aiu Jr.
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
assigning a deal | D-HI | 630 | 9 years 50 weeks ago |
A new week, new SuccessFest treats for you... | dgadmin | 117 | 10 years 30 weeks ago |
Reat to Own Deal Closed 2/5/14 = $3760 | dhilsman | 348 | 10 years 42 weeks ago |
REPLAY! Conference Call Thursday, October 1st @ 9:00PM ET! | dgadmin | 70 | 13 years 39 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #38 - Dean is Coming to You! | dgadmin | 329 | 15 years 29 weeks ago |
I found my agent in my email I have been trying to buy realestate for many years now but never made the time. I purchase my first property last year but I bought it for too much 1.2million what was I thinking. Now I am on disability it is the best time for me to move with the great oportunity of investing in real estate and earn money. I want to be a success in my family and have alot of knowledge. I just need to get over my fear of failure.please help me. I bought my first home at age 21 my dad helped me with the down pmt. I sold it and built my second home at age 25 and my dad helped me with the transaction and I bought my first resturant at age 32 ran it for 7 years and had to close it after 911 my dad had to bail me out of this one. I have been dependent on my parrents for too long now I am 45 and so badly want to be financially independent this book has really got my blood flowing and I intend to follow through with it.Thanks for all the support. I hope this is the agent that will take me to the top wish me luck Aloha Raymond.
I put an offer on a home 2 doors down from me. But the property was a Reo and needed to have a pre approval from the bank to submit the offer. I would like to know if all short sale and preforclosure need a pre qual or pre approval letter. My second offer is a short sale and the banks required a pre approval letter. I did get one from the bank for up to 350,000.00. Now I want to make another offer and my agent is telling me that I have to be prequalified for more money What should I do. any sugestions out there please help Mahalo Raymond44
Aloha every one I want to assign my contract to other buyers so I can make some quick cash. The property I made an offer on is 110,000. below market price acording to the county assesement but recent sales show about 55 to 60 thousands below market. How much should I assign this property for. Do we go by percentage or make every deal 5,10,15,20 grand profit.Is there a formula for that.Mahalo Raymond 44.
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Real Estate Investing with No Money Down
I want to learn as much as I can about real estate investing so I can be financially independent and have not to worry about money when I get older also so I can help the people who are in need within my community. And take my family on a world wide boat cruise.