Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #38 - Dean is Coming to You!

Last week Dean asked for your ideas about his next show. This week Dean reveals what he has planned for his next show, and he might be knocking on your door! Dean also had an extra copy of the EDGE program sitting on his desk and is giving it away to someone on the site. Watch this week's video to learn more about all of these developments!

Hi Dean

Hello Dean,
My name is Yumi. I just watched your new Blog and want to say hi. You are always so generous and love people. I always admire you. Thank you for providing us this great site and opportunity.


mason101's picture

Let me introduce myself. My name is Darrin Mason,and I'm from North Dakota. I would like to thank those of you whose comments and blogs have helped boost my confidence and motivation. I'd love to get into real estate, and I've been wanting to for the past 7 years. Unfortunately, I have a lot of things holding me back; a lot of the people here in North Dakota are afraid to do things "differently". Nearly everyone is so conservative in their ways that anything new is out of the question.
Dean, your books are so well written. Even a high school drop out like me can understand them! You don't use big words (that make me scratch my head). Dean, it would be a dream and a privilege if you could come to good old North Dakota (God's country!) and help me with some deals. If not, some of your business partners would work just as well, ha ha.
Thanks again for the opportunity to become a part of your world, Dean. You provide so much inspiration and hope to those of us who are caught up in this rat race.

Inspiration from Dean

adbarnes's picture

My name is Tony Barnes. I have been on the site since May and have enjoyed working with the many friendly people on this site. With Dean's inspiration I have started attempting to do deals. I currently have a property locked up and am working on a few more. I have posted many questions to the forums and folks Like Indiana Joe, Rina and Lucinda and a few others have been extremely helpful.

I would like to thank Dean for putting this site together where we can all share and learn together and also for creating such a positive influence in my life.

Tony Barnes

P.S. Dean, Thanks for giving us that could not afford the edge kit the opportunity to have a chance to win it.

beginning of new life

hi dean,

my name is kathy liu from Florida. I found you throught the TV ads. ordered book immediately, read your book in 2 days. i jointed your accedemy on Aug 3rd 2009. i stopped talking to the "nay" sayers, stopped watching news !
I was a loan officer for 8 years, always had thought of getting into investing, read alot of books and paid a lot of tuitions throughout years. in Feburay I paid $14000 to a company in batimore to coach me, but it was very disorgnized and after a month I paid,he dissapeared with my money,never return my calles or emails. I became skeptical but did not give up, i knew i am almost there. your program is wonderful, step by step, organized my knowlege of realestae and now I know i am in control, with banking experiances, i knew a lot but was not organized and felt overwhelmed to start by myself.
In stead of watching news, I started to search craigslist immedeately, I found a house ( it is a real dump,only shell is there. ) selling for $19000, I called up the seller in GA and got it for $17000. I took out my buyer lists from my banking time and found an handyman,sold to him for $23500. i called your team asked for advises and they were all very helpful and eager to help with passion. since it was my first deal, i read contract very carefully and i found red flag that i thought i was not protected, so i did search on the property tax and he it was not paid for 3 years. so back to owner restructued the deal.$10k seller quitclaim deed to buyer,buyer pays back tax little by little ( he has 4 years to deal with it in our county before it goes forclosure ). the buyer only has $13000 to work with the deal, so he pay seller $10k and my NEW COMPANY $3000 at the time of closing and i put a lien of $2500 against the property. i reduced my assignment fee from $6500 to $5000 to make the deal work. the light on buyers face i will never forget, he and his were so greatful that i was watching out for them and have them informed. i also checked with county about outstanding violations and utility bills to make sure this time we will have no surprise. i am now a true beliver that we are creating win-win for every one in the deal. seller is in another state and wanted to get it sold. buyer is a handyman, i found him the least expensive property in the county.worst shape house in the community. even before closing, he has started to process of cleaning up the property, after rehab, he can sell the house $60k. he needs $10k to put into it. i already have a sign out for sale for him,i am going to put on the different sites to sell the property in a couple weeks . i should make a nice profit again.
I was honest to the seller that it is my first deal and want him to whold my hands alittle, and he did. he gave me advises. i want to thank the seller RJ here !!!
i am now looking into 2nd deal,i am meeting seller tomorrow !!!
this is my first deal, should close by sep 30th.
I am so greaful that you guys do deliver what you say.
Dean,I pormise to share my knowledge and experiances with my friends and family even the "nay" sayers ( including my best friend).

Thank you to the whole team behind all this.

kathy liu

Dean's A Good Samaritan

Hi Dean,

My name is Theresa Padua from Illinois. I have not done any deals in real estate yet because of my over cautious attitude and fear. Every night I go visit your site and read those inspirational stories. I also have your Gain the EDGE 09. Your site and the EDGE inspired me to focus and set a goal to close at least one deal before this year ends. I am trying to work on one property and follow the steps in your books.

Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help us learn so much in real estate. Thank you for sharing with us the knowledge and the opportunity to become financially independent.

Theresa Padua


First time posting and where in the world do I begin. First thanks to everyone for the encouraging words. They are needed to keep me going and to combat the negativity. I have the books, signed up for the academy, and purchased the Gain the Edge Kit. I have information overload!! Just kidding, I have so much more confidence and knowledge that I've been seeking until everytime you or one of the supporters answers a question that I'm thinking, it just blows me away and then I look around to see if anyone is behind me or if I asked the question out loud. I guess I'm a little shy and that's why I haven't posted but Dean has a way of getting you to take chances that I'd probably never would have done. By the way, I have also started a business that is set up with all the bells and whistles. I have a real estate agent that I realize knows less than I do about creative wealth building. Don't worry, I'm schedule to attend an investing club but still searching for buyers, homes, and financing in the process. By the way, I live in Memphis, TN, the home of foreclosures. I would love for you to come here and help me with my first deal via a no money strategy. There, now I said it. Hope anyone bites on that. Been wondering how to get that out there. Whey, hope this posting takes. Anyway, thanks for all you do but if you pull my name, I don't want the kit. I'm just glad to be able to finally send a message. This is the beginning of many, can't you tell. By the way, does anyone other than me can't sleep because of the excitement. This is a good thing for me since before all I did was sleep.

Another Great Blog!!!

Hey Dean Im glad to see that you are going to go and visit some success stories. If you wind up in CT drop me a line I would love to chat with you about somethings. Still having problems lining up the first deal. But im gonna get it done. Good luck Dean with all you do.


Thanks To Everyone

Hi Dean and every DG Member.
My name is Ricardo Morales and i would like thank every member that helps us newbies with questions and concern. I hope everyone in here succeed and acheive their goals.Thanks to Dean for this incredible program he put together. And good look to everyone to acheiving financial freedom.


Hi Dean

Really hoping and praying to get my hands on my copy of the Edge real soon. Waiting anxiously to hear from you.

INSPIRED AND FIRED..................!!!!!!!

MyDestiny's picture

Hi Dean,
There are so many things that I can be so grateful for. But I am most grateful for the wonderful opportunity that I will ever witness in my life time. Dean I feel that I am in the right place and it's the right time. With an amazing support system in place. I feel like Supergirl! Rina, Sandra, Joe and countless others are such a positive influence and a great asset to this DG family. Dean, I will say this a million times. Thank You! I have a new attitude and new direction in my life. Just a few months ago, I was crying myself to sleep at night with confusion in my heart. Asking God for guidance. Now because of your faith in yourself, I know where I'm going and how to get there. You are an Amazing Gift sent from High Above. A loving spirit.... With this support team, the only destination is Financial and Spiritual Freedom!!! I'll see you there... Continued Success Always........Lubertha

Closing on an REO this week

REvans's picture

Hello everyone,
I'd like to thank Dean and the DG family for inspiring me to return to the wonderful world of real estate investing.

You see, I made a ton of money in the market when times were good a few years ago. Just couldn't see how to change gears and make it in today's market. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I found a REO - 3/2/1 located in Daytona Beach FL. It last sold for $186,000 3 years ago. I got it for $51,200 !!! Way under tax value also. This will be a starter home for my daughter.

Also, purchased another foreclosure directly at the courthouse for my son. It was also a GREAT deal.

Not only have you helped me but you have helped to created a very valuable asset for my son and daughter in their future. They watched me struggle, learn, grow and become successful in the market several years ago. Now they can also!

I'd be very interested in sharing details on your show if you decide to come to the Daytona Beach area.


Prayers are getting answered!

Arn's picture

Hey Dean,
I say "hey" to all my friends and family, and you plus the DG members on this site make me feel like family, because reading all the posts and all the blogs have given me great inspiration, and encouragement to go forward. I bought your books three week's ago and on August 11, I joined your success academy and I'm looking forward to making my first deal soon, one step at a time and with your help and God on my team I am positive that I can do
this. A thousand Thanks to everyone! God Bless!

Your Friend,
Arnold Castillo

p.s. This is the first time posting

Starting all over again

Thanks for the insperation for a new start.
I got off my hump started to make some calls and got two leads for 2 houses for short sale.
Need help.
Please advise.

P.S What is the EDGE

I Believe

There is no doubt that God could step into your impossibility and make it possible. This is evident as we read the numerous success stories on this site from members like Joe and Stacey, Rina, Anita, Larreyhouses, Alana, Jeremy, Marc, Lubertha, Brian, MikeHutchins, Elena, Matt, Paul, Chip and Andrea, Greg and many others. We have experienced how real estate has transformed lives, triggered emotions, crippled fear, and starved doubts. Dean and his team has provided this excellent medium whereby individuals have the opportunity to "think big and make it happen". What should be self-evident is that acquiring wealth is not everything, we must remember and take example from I think it was Jay who donated copies of Deans two books to another DG member. I call that, taking the elevator to the top floor and releasing it back to the first to allow others to climb. It is only with giving that we receive. I will like to take this opportunity to extend sincere thanks to Dean, his team, and my DG family for their support and encouragement. Five days ago, I also made my one year anniversary on the DG site and I am really excited. May God continue to bless us bountifully. God Bless.



Im a newbie here but I just wanted to let you know I put my first offer in and im keeping my fingers crossed. The books, this site and the Edge course are unbelievable. This extended family on here is truly amazing, and im happy to be a part of it. Ive been on the site just reading the posts and cant wait to have a great story to add. If my name is picked I will gladly donate the course to a very fortunate member!

About me and my family

OkieUnix's picture

dgadmin wrote:

Last week Dean asked for your ideas about his next show. This week Dean reveals what he has planned for his next show, and he might be knocking on your door! Dean also had an extra copy of the EDGE program sitting on his desk and is giving it away to someone on the site. Watch this week's video to learn more about all of these developments!


I literally got thru reading your book and I also used your audio books that you created. I did this cause when it comes to reading books I usually stick my head into a technical manual. Yes, I am a computer system engineer. I have a beautiful wife and 5 year old son.

My wife and I are very excited and cannot wait. My inspiration for doing this is because I lost my job and I need income to support my family. Both me and my wife are no strangers to real estate. We had own a beautiful Victorian home for 6 years and selling it for a profit for $142,000. We used $117,500 to purchase our next home that we are living in now and want to keep it.
So my wife and I understand now that real estate investing is the way to make a living. But we never saw the light until I read your book. My wife will read it as well an has heard it with me on the audio.

I have been in the computer industry for over 25 years.
I have been laid off 3 times since 9/11 event. The first time was just before my father pasted away. Each I have been laid off was due to companies being bought out and changing their business strategy. This time I was laid off for economic reasons.

From what I read in the book an what my wife has heard so far. We are truly inspired and feel like we have a way to go financially. Now it is time for me to get off my Okie back end and do something about it.

Should anyone ask, I sold my Victorian home at the peak period in 2006. That how I made my money to put the 10% down I needed on my current home.

I am very inspired by the web site and how much information there is and what you can find and the people who post comments are just awesome and beautiful people.

Me and my wife will keep you posted on our success.

Thanks for providing so much powerful info in the books those in hardback and audio. As they are powerful tools I see that we can use and so can many others if only they take the time to read.

God bless you all...

Phillip B. Bruce
My Wife is Antwarnette
My Son is Roman

Keep up the great work!

Hey Dean,

This website is awesome and keeps getting better every week! Thanks for all your inspiration and generous gifts!

Press On...


tennball81's picture

Hey everybody its Shaun!! Some of you already know me and some of you don't! I live in Ohio and am in a small town called Xenia near Dayton and south of Columbus!! I think everyone on here is amazing and inspirational... Keep up the great work. I was not able to buy the edge kit and would love to win it! Thanks Dean for all you do! You are a hero and very inspirational to everyone on here!!


Ready to kick it in gear!

Hi all - My name is Michel and I have had the books and joined the academy (May-June) I was out of state all summer but am back in Las Vegas and ready to get started. It's hard because there are a lot of out of state/country investors buying up the houses here again but I'm going to go for it anyway. I also contacted another newbie and he wants to get started together so it will be a great way to stay motivated. I really enjoy reading (and taking part in some of) the posts. Everyone is very helpful and encouraging. My husband was supportive but is now a "doubter" mostly from listening to family and other people. I guess I will have to show him what it's all about and I believe I can do that even though there is a little fear inside. I am looking forward to my first of many deals. Thanks to everyone on the site for the encouragement and support!

Hi Dean and everyone else

Awseome what a great idea to give away the Edge 09.
I hope I win eeeekkk.

Check out my New Journal I just started as a new student:

I know you can feel it now just jump on and ride the wave!
You can do it!!!


Topydo12's picture

Hello Dean,
Its nice coming to your site every time. This gives me the inspiration that one day and very soon,I too will post my success story on this blog.
Its coming very soon than you can ever think of. Takew care guys, keep up the good work.

Deans weekly blog 8/16/09

Hello all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Stephen Vallan, generally I go by Steve and what follows is the first paragraph of my profile which seems appropriate to use as my first comment.

I'm 46 and I want to secure a better financial future for myself and family and I believe real estate is the way to do it, I just need the tools to make it happen. I'm a newbie and am slowly digesting the info Dean has to offer, I'm currently half way through Profit From Real Estate Right Now and I find what I'm reading very intriguing and hope that I can too find some success with his strategies and I guess there is no better time or place to ask my first question.

I live in Western Massachusetts which is typically a (if I don't understand it, I don't want to know about it kind of atmosphere), is there anyone currently working with Deans program that lives in New England and if so, do you have any "secrets for success" recommendations?

Thanks for every one's time in reading this and be well.

Steve Vallan

Anxious, Excited & Nervous at the same time

Hi my name is Kaprice.
When my husband and I spoke to the phone rep, he was very nice and had a lot of knowledge. We then spoke to one of the directors, and he was nice also. Mr. Kurt was very informative. We learned somethings from that conversation that we did not know or understand.
We are trying to find the funds to pay for our coach so we can be profitable in this business. We are reading Dean Graziosi's Profit from Real Estate Right Now. By reading it alone will not help us as much as the coach. We have half of the money and we are really trying to come up with the rest of the money so the coach can walk with us and hold our hand as if we are babies. We would love to win the copy of the 2009 EDGE program

My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a coach to learn how to profit from real estate. We are going to learn this together. We are real excited about getting started. We are going through so much financially right now. We are fighting with the mortgage company about my roof. Insurance company doesn't want to pay, (I have a big whole in my ceiling in my kitchen).

In April 2007, my parents and my brother came to live with us because they were approved for a reverse mortgage. Contractors came in gutted the home out and then ranned off with the rest of the money. Now my parents are homeless. They live with my hasband, myself and our five kids ranging from ages 16, 10, 8, 4 and 22 months. My parents were a victim of fraud where there home is all gutted out and not livable. My mother has became ill and bedridden where she can not walk or do any of the things that she used to do. This has really taken a toll on her and she has become very depressed. My parents are elderly. My father is 74 yrs old and my mother is 70 yrs old.

We want to be able to make a fortune in real estate to fix the problem in my home what the insurance will not fix. Also, to contract with home depot or lowes to complete my parents home. I think this will be my mother out of her depression. They paid off their home in 2004 and just wanted to remodeled and this is what happened. My husband is trying to keep me positive, so I want go in to depression also because there is a lot on my plate. I keep telling myself I have to be strong for my family.

So we decided that we want to be millionares so in troubled times when insurance companies don't want to pay out, we can have emergency funds available. We really really need help and We think this is our breaking point right here as soon as we come up with our other half for our coach

We say just go ahead and mail our copy. We have faith. We are confident and we believe that our name has already been pulled from the bag before it has even been put in the bag.

Again, we say thanks for the great phone conversations of teaching us what we need to do and how to make money from other people money (opm). We just want to take this opportunity and thank you for allowing us to type this and for reading our message. We are going to make it with this course.

From Steven and Kaprice Brown

Getting the ball rolling for me!!!

Marcthaincredible's picture

I enjoy watching the weekly blogs every week that you put out Dean!!! I would like you to go back and do some more Deal of the Month videos too!!! They are inspiring to me!! Will someone help me get started in real estate!! I'm in California and I know there is money to be made out here!!! (562)200-3374-Marcus Harvey


we just want to thank you Dean for giving us
this opportunity to make money in real estate
Giving us the knowledge, and togoing tools,and support.
We are in Az and there is money to be made. we
just need a little help,were going to join the
academy and were freaking out a little bit, well
alot i know well do good but its just getting the
first deal done, i dont want to be Mgr, in food
serv, forever LOL Eiaron and Dave In AZ

Getting Started in Phoenix

kilthau's picture

Hey Dean:

Thank you for the hard work you and your team put into the Gain The Edge Program. I was at your live event and have started to change my life. Everyone who posts on the site is educational and inspirational. Anita is the best! You signed my book at the event, and I am excited to shift my priorities to real estate and creating a life of abundance for my wife and I. Thanks again to your staff and truly do change lives!!

$37,000 Potential Profit on First Deal!!

Dean, I am thrilled to have received your book and have read it cover to cover. I am motivated to invest myself into the next generation of leaders coming behind me (I'm only 31, so they're not to far behind!), and that's where I want to put most of my profits from RE.

My wife and I have closed on our first property. We searched for properties in our town, knowing the area fairly well. Not long after searching, we found an incredible deal that we couldn't pass up. We contacted the listing agent directly who told us we needed to be working with an agent to see the property. We called up an agent who showed us a property the week before and she got us in.

We looked at the property twice in two days and put in an offer $7,400 less than asking on an already incredibly priced deal. After the bank countered and we countered, they accepted for $6400 less than asking.

Long story short, we have closed on the deal last week. In 5 days of marketing exclusively through Craigslist and 4 "bandit" signs placed near the home, we have a renter, an investor looking to buy, and a couple looking for their first home. Our strategy is to sell first at a price significantly less than neighborhood comps. If we don't get a quick sale (although we are expecting) we will rent.

We are expecting a full price offer this week which would give us around a $37,000 profit in under a months worth of work!!!

Thanks Dean!! You have inspired us to take risks.

Time to chance my life

Hi Dean,

For the past 8 years I have been attending real estate seminars and reading books like a sponge to better myself. I have just finished reading your Profit from Real Estate Now. I feel like with your help I can finally reach my dream of becoming a successful real estate investor. I am the married father of 3 beautiful children whom I want to give the world to. I look forward to completing my first deal and changing my families life. Thank you for being a great mentor .

Kevin O

Never been so focused in my life

CJE's picture

Hello Dean

My wife and I saw your T.V. ad bought your books and read them in a week. I've followed this site for about two weeks, never posted anything but just absorbed all the great info and and love the way everyone helps each other (how refreshing from my day job). We have are funding in place looking for a realtor, and already found a 3 Bd 1.5 bath house that was left in a trust to a family who wants to sell ASAP. looking to do our first deal soon?

Thank you for wanting to help others. I find myself driven to change my life and this is giving me an opportunity to try something new,

It would be great to win your prize but I'm more greatful that you challenged me to post this.


Hi Dean - You came by Divine Appointment

Jmaldona's picture

Hello Dean,
I have been looking for that person that inspires you to take action and provides you with so much clear, concise, to the point, valuable and proven information, until you found my wife and me. I really can not tell how I came up with your site. I did not even know you were out there, and that you even had a TV show ( I barely, rarely watch TV).

Just a sincere THANKS for ALL you do for others. You really came to this world to serve others. It really is a divine appointment.

Keep you eyes on the end goal!

Continued Blessings,

Jose and Ingrid