
All About rick.c.invest

rick.c.invest's picture
Rick Camacho

Topics I've Participated In

LLC Benefits FDrake4127 years 36 weeks ago
Creative places to post ads rp799 years 26 weeks ago
What is the best method for getting current FMV on properties? Fleetwood955810 years 1 week ago
REIClub in or Near Baltimore, MD area newage87671712 years 24 weeks ago
First Deal Done.. chrisstar342413 years 33 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



newage8767's picture


Sorry, I checked the other forums before I checked my group so I didn't know you had already requested to join the Baltimore Group. At any rate, your membership was approved and we are glad to have you on board. It would be nice if you could make the meeting on 11/28/09. If you have any questions about joining the Meetup-The Real Deal Group just post a question/comment in our group forum. The Real Deal group is free so, that is always a plus!

Hope to get a chance to meet you at the meeting next week!

Meet up

rick.c.invest's picture

Where are you meeting and at what time?