rp's Profile

All About rp


Topics I've Participated In

Dinner with Dean acinvestments138 years 24 weeks ago
I would love to try this! Rina239 years 26 weeks ago
Creative places to post ads rp799 years 26 weeks ago
Finding Sponsors rebucks1510 years 46 weeks ago
3 HOUSES - THINKING A LITTLE DIFFERENT Anitarny7111 years 21 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Foreclosure list

Do u mind if i ask how much u paid for this list? I would like to get one also. Tell me the name of the site for the list also please.

Foreclosure list

Do u mind if i ask how much u paid for this list? I would like to get one also. Tell me the name of the site for the list also please.