
All About SeattleDan

SeattleDan's picture
Dan Maines
Seattle, Washington
music,art,fitness,health...I walk and ride my bike in the city and our bike trails..I play a little guitar and some harmonica...I've bought and sold four properties in the past 15 years or so but I have alot to learn. I,m a carpenter,framer,sider, painter ,etc and run my const. co. for my work

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

construction contractor
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Still learning

SeattleDan's picture

I watched a replay of Dean and Matt in a webcast that was mostly on our limiting beliefs..We can only be or do what we think we can be or do ...I still have to keep working on the beliefs that I can succeed like others are.I am getting closer and still learning and getting inspired buy Dean, Matt and the success stories of other D.G.ers....I know it can be done and that I can do it but I must take action.....Dan in seattle...


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Recipes for success

Anthony Davis's picture

Belief, sprinkled with a little inspiration produces courage. Courage, sprinkled with more belief and a little knowledge produces action. Belief + Inspiration + Courage + Knowledge + Action = Success.
Freedom Seeker,

welcome to the DG family website

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Thanks Smiling.

Insider Elite

SeattleDan's picture

I singed myself into the Insider Elite on April Fools day 2014.I'm going hard into Real Estate now.I've always believed it could be done but now I fully believe I can do it.I think its all about talking to people. Talking to realtors, talking to people losing there home to the bank, talking to banker types about working with there money,asking a guy in his front yard if his house is for sale? Calling to find out if your the person handling this estate sale? Calling and saying a number... 44,500.00 and waiting for an answer...Yes or no...? You must seek wealth, it will not just happen. Daniel