Weekly Wisdom #366 - Your Virtual Bookshelf

There are only 24 hours in a day. And only so much we can accomplish on any given day. So when it comes to how we spend our time, emotions and energy, we have to be selective.

And that's why I've created the idea of a "Virtual Bookshelf". And if something on your virtual bookshelf isn't helping serve your future or your dreams, then you have permission to take it off your shelf and replace it with something that will.

Watch this week's Weekly Wisdom and find out EXACTLY what I mean by "virtual bookshelf" and why you need one.

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Thanks Dean!

thomgilbert's picture

Great advice, looking at my bookshelf there's a few books that can come off the shelf that I'm working on. Merry Christmas to you, your family and all the DG Family!
Make it a great week!

Merry Christmas Dean!

Valuni's picture

Yes, let's do it! Let's make room on our bookshelf for great things for 2016!
Looking forward to hearing what you have to share with us next year!
Thank you!

Let It Go! Virtual Bookshelf

jcllc7's picture

Thanks Dean for sharing and encouragement. I appreciate you and your wisdom. It is what everyone needs to do coming into the New Year 2016. Happy Holidays to You and Yours.

Thanks Dean, great

smahdavi's picture

Thanks Dean, great advice.
Just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and an excellent new year with health and happiness.
Said Mahdavi

Weekly Wisdom #366 - Your Virtual Bookshelf

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

What a great weekly Wisdom to end the year with...Smiling

Yes the virtual bookshelf can get very cluttered, with grudges,and negative results......Sad

It's better to get it cluttered with positve results...Eye-wink

Thank you Dean for all you do.....ox

Merry Christmas, and a Healthy & Happy New Year to You,and Your Family, & Staff


Free Yourself

SeattleDan's picture

Way to go Dean. I lost my 1st property 3 years ago to forclosure and was without hope. I started watching you and grew stronger than I had ever been.I just paid $17,000 for a $40,000 piece of land in the rising Seattle market due to your words.. Thanks from so many ..Dan Maines

Weekly Wisdom #366

Hi Dean

Thanks again for such good, heartfelt, intuitive and helpful advice.

I always look forward to your Christmas and end of the year videos. It makes a great way to kick of the holiday season.

Speaking of, Happy Christmas and New Year to you and your family!

I look forward to kicking off 2016 with you Dean.



new opportunities

Recently an "old book" happened to fall off the virtual shelf just by itself, so hopefully there'll come some interesting nice new opportunities next year Smiling) Good advice using the holidays for letting go !
Bets wishes to the DG family.
Have a great new year, all ! Smiling


bht5129x's picture

Many THANKS for this week's Weekly Wisdom --- Truely inspiring.

Wishing you & your family; and all DG Family members a Safe & Merry Christmas & a Happy New York.


I'm a little late....

AndyS's picture

Sorry Dean, I'm a little late for the party ( this weeks's WW) but as they say, "Better late then never." Right?
Just wanted to say that I am a living example of how this week's wisdom got me to a better place in my life and subsequently enriched my life. When I got here, to my new home after my divorce, there was a lot of anger in my heart towards a lot of people... Family, so called friends and even myself. I was a mess for sure. But after joining the Graziosi family, now all those years ago, and started implementing tactics you taught us and having the time to just relax and regroup, I became a much happier person. I proved that things being said about me in the past were wrong. That by releasing the anger towards myself first was the first step to releasing me from what was holding me back in life. Now, 8 years later, I hear you say this again ( Yes, I do listen and remember the older "wisdoms" Eye-wink, I can say that I am in a better place now by doing what you taught us. By forgiving, I was able to mend some relationships and that has helped me going forward. My vision is no longer tainted by anger and resentment and positive things have happened to me because of it. So if you need a testimonial for this week's wisdom, I'm here for ya. Eye-wink

Before I turn this into another novel,Eye-wink I want to wish you, Dean, and your family a Very Merry Christmas. I'm glad you had such a great time with them today. Smiling I'm looking forward to our time together in April. I'm already booked. Laughing out loud

Until next week.........
Andy Sager, DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member
2013,2014, 2015 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud

Change of Heart

Thanks Dean we face mountains that are in our way so we continue to plow the field and build on the dreams that the dream giver gives us and in the midst of all this we will rise to success when we keep the vision and the strategies of those who are where we want to get to.

Change of Heart

Thanks Dean we face mountains that are in our way so we continue to plow the field and build on the dreams that the dream giver gives us and in the midst of all this we will rise to success when we keep the vision and the strategies of those who are where we want to get to.

Virtual Bookshelf

mdagrace's picture

Thank you Dean for this message. There is only so much time in a day to accomplish goals. One must choose wisely. Your message is solid on forgiveness; my wife has made the same statements to me. It has been difficult but I am slowly making headway in that area.

Virtual Bookshelf

I don't usually make comments on anything online like this but this one really hit home. I want to thank you for validating my decision to cut a couple things out of my schedule to make room for new and better things. I was feeling a bit guilty before this Weekly Wisdom and I feel a whole lot better after watching it. I really appreciate you and the time that you put into these Weekly Wisdoms. Have a great New Year!

Virtual Bookshelf

Wow you are so good just like always!! You sure know how to help us all get ahead and cleaning out our bookshelf what a great idea, just like spring cleaning our house, we need to also get all the extra things that we don't need anymore out of our heads and start fresh with clearer ideas, goals and focus.
Thanks again for all your great information and insights. Have a great NEW YEAR & BEST TO YOU AND YOURS!!!


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