
All About Steven_Tolbert

Steven L. Tolbert Jr

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Lost Steven_Tolbert1313 years 32 weeks ago

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WealthyBlessings's picture

Greetings Steven,
Welcome to the DG Family. We are here to support you in your investment endeavors!

Peace and Blessings,

Dont give up just yet.

dinoMartino's picture

Hey Steve:
I know where "yer com'in from."
Dont get discouraged. I too have a similar story, as I sustained an on the job injury preventing me from returning to the only type of work I know.( Manual Labor.)
I came here to get a fresh start and I sometimes wonder if I'm ever gonna get off the ground. But I haven't given up yet. As Dean has been known for saying, "This is not the time to get discouraged and down hearted, NOW is the time to get excited.
And just to let you know Steve, I hadda wind up moving back in with my folks, who at age 54, I am grateful for them giving me a little corner of their basement to live in. " Hell !" They wont let me run a phone line, cable or a sattelite dish, so I'm living back in the stone age.
But thats not gonna stop me Steve...I know about the type of frustration you might be up against, and the only internet access I have is what the local library has to offer. They allow me 4 hours a day at one location and an additional 2 hours access in one of the neighboring communities.
And with all that riding I do on my bicycle, that is how I am able to spot these vacant, neglected homes.
I write down their address and when I get to the Library I log onto to get any detailed info that might help me out. Then once I log off and go to the Count Recorders website.
Thats whats called ( Due Dilligence.)
The County Recorders website will give you a complete history on that property
going back to day 1.
Then comes the hard part, trying to figure out what No money down technique
I'm gonna use.
My biggest problem so far, has been locating Cash Buyers to pass these properties onto, thats whats been holding me up.
What seems to be your biggest draw back Steve ? Where are you having the most trouble ?
One of the best ways I've been finding to lock up property without wasting any time talking to Realtors, Banks or others who might have any interest in the property, is by purchasing Tax Lien certificates on the property, if there are any delinquent taxes.
You wanna talk about Rock Bottom prices ? And Tax Liens trump, all other Liens and debts, so suddenly you have people coming to you to resolve these issues. Banks will pay you off to get their money back, but you will be the first in line they will want to approach when it comes time to Foreclose. In most cases you might even be able to low bid what is owed on the property, not what its worth. So suddenly you might have a shot at picking up a $270,000 piece of property for $80,000 or less.

But I urge you to listen to Dean and " Dont give up ! Now's the time to get into the game."
"Forget about the past and let your future pull you forward."

Good luck Steve.