You know that person that Dean is always telling you not to be? I have actually become that person. I currently am unable to do the success acadmy due to only having internet on my phone. I have been off of work for three years now due to a back injury. I am broke and lost and I just don't know how to get through this.....
Steven don't loose faith because you are a step closer to a change never give up and keep getting education ask any question seek answers, education is power and power is success
your friend
The success academy isn't required for your success. It's nice to have but you can succeed without it. If you can only get access to the internet on your phone, go to your local library and use the internet there to do what you need to do to get started and succeed.
Try wholesaling. You don't need any money to start. I'm sure you're going to be amazing and successful in real estate. You just have to start somewhere and stick with it.
In Christ alone, I place my trust.
Thank you for your replies. I just feel like I need help, as hard as it is to admit I feel like I need a mentor or a guide....
Which state do you live in? Maybe you can find someone on here that lives in the same you can bounce ideas off and learn from.
In Christ alone, I place my trust.
I live in the High Desert of California, I signed up with a REI club but when I went to the "meet up" it was someone trying to sell me something.... I have already invested everything I have into the success academy.
Ohh..I must have misunderstood. Sorry, I didn't realize you were already enrolled in the Success Academy.
Find online REI clubs and other RE websites with a strong community, such as this one. There are also many people here from California. You'll succeed
In Christ alone, I place my trust.
Hey Steve,
Don't get down. To be honest, I am exactly like you. I have invested everything I have into this as well, and then some. The only way I am going to pay for this is by succeeding. The other day I felt over my head and there was no way out, I actually started to break down and cry. Then I realized I can't let that emotion get to me because that's what is going to cause me to fail.
Please check out the Quick 30 Day Cash thread. There is a lot of information on there that you can use, generate a check in 30 days and have fun. We have a great group on that thread right now and people are so helpful and motivating. Come on over and let's have some fun!!!
Get rich or die tryin!!
Yeah that is why I am bummed right now, I have been paying for the Success Academy and I have not had access to it, I have not been able to watch Dean's videos.....yup I guess you can say that I am looking for a solid step
You can print your Success Academy lessons and work on them offline...
or yo can go to a local library; they have computers available to the public where you can sit and work on your lessons.
Read some threads on this site; just enter any topic in the 'search' box on the top left of this page, and hit enter...
Here's a link to a good thread
Keep it up... it can only get better!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
First of all welcome to the DG Family.
With no Internet except your Phone, consider this:
Ask to use a freinds computer when they won't be using it, you could also consider the public library.
"Where there is a will there is a way"
This is only temporary with the knowledge and experience that you have right here on this site you could complete a deal or two sooner than you could immagine. Hang in there.
We purchase and resell Homes. We also buy mortgage notes. We also take some debt takeovers.
I agree with everyone, don't lose faith here. We are all here to help each other and we wont let you fail. Though take any failure that you may have and look at it as one step closer to success.
You can do this, I have faith in you.
Together, we can be successful!
There are multiple avenues to getting ahead in your situation.
I'm currently in the SA also.
The guides are basically the same as the interactive lessons except more static and able to be printed.
Idea 1 - Have somebody with a computer & internet log into your account and download all the guide & workbook .pdfs for you. Put it on a usb thumb drive and take it to your local Kinko's, Office Max, etc. and have them printed out. It'll end up being cheaper than printing them from the computer.
Idea 2 - Call the advisory line and see what they recommend for your situation. You've paid your tuition, use them!
Idea 3 - Find your rock star realtor. Talk to them. Explain your internet situation. Do you have a web-based email acct? (gmail. yahoo, hotmail, etc). Have the agent send your requested MLS listings to that account. Then you'll be able to access from any computer with internet access. Could also have a friend do it for you and print out the listings.
Idea 4 - If you have a friend helping you out with this internet access maybe you could make them a partner or have them lend you some money once they understand what you're doing and where this is headed.
Crush the box so you don't have to worry about thinking outside of it anymore!
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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