I am an out of work Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser, who hasn't worked since March of 2008. Got a $10 per hour job Octorber 31st 2008 as a store manager, got a raise to $12 per hour in February, lost this jog July 12th 2009.
Today I just got a part time type job as a Homemaker/Companion for $10 per hour.
I am going to have to sell my home as my finaces have just gotten too much to bear. I was hoping to get started investing right away to save my home, but I don't think I can do it fast enough. I am currently reading Dean's latest book now.
I have always loved real estate and wanted to get into investing even before I became an appraiser (was an appraiser for 9 1/2 years before the market went sour). I had ordered an read Dean's first book last year but was too scared to do anything with it. I am stil terrified now (don't have much confidence in myself) but I can't let the dream go I still think about it all the time so I think it's something that's in my blood. I just have to reach deep inside and find the guts to go for it.
I want to not only get out of debt (wish I could save my house) live comfortably, and help a lot of people in my life.
I also would like to have something to retire on.
Hi Sue
Welcome on board the DG family
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.