
All About suesue

Susan Johnson
Orange Ct
About Me: 

I am an out of work Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser, who hasn't worked since March of 2008. Got a $10 per hour job Octorber 31st 2008 as a store manager, got a raise to $12 per hour in February, lost this jog July 12th 2009.
Today I just got a part time type job as a Homemaker/Companion for $10 per hour.
I am going to have to sell my home as my finaces have just gotten too much to bear. I was hoping to get started investing right away to save my home, but I don't think I can do it fast enough. I am currently reading Dean's latest book now.
I have always loved real estate and wanted to get into investing even before I became an appraiser (was an appraiser for 9 1/2 years before the market went sour). I had ordered an read Dean's first book last year but was too scared to do anything with it. I am stil terrified now (don't have much confidence in myself) but I can't let the dream go I still think about it all the time so I think it's something that's in my blood. I just have to reach deep inside and find the guts to go for it.
I want to not only get out of debt (wish I could save my house) live comfortably, and help a lot of people in my life.
I also would like to have something to retire on.

I love real estate/ I am an artist and love making hand crafted things of all kinds, I love animals, was into horses for 35 years till 2003, I love bird watching, hiking, and nature. I love spending time with my cat Scooter and my friend Joe.

Topics I've Participated In

I will NEVER be broke again!!!!!!! Carol Stinson539 years 19 weeks ago
Wholesaling Basics 101 Elena M18010 years 4 days ago
Dean Graziosi's New Book Your Town Your Real Estate Profits dgadmin3211 years 26 weeks ago
Dean's new book update dgmod2911 years 50 weeks ago
Crazy to start! Realestatefreak1412 years 38 weeks ago

Basic Info

Out of work Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser, now a Homemaker/Companion
Some High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Sue

John A's picture

Welcome on board the DG family Smiling

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.