All About TRSD

TRSD's picture
Southern California

Topics I've Participated In

Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 6 weeks ago
#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42637 years 8 weeks ago
Anyone Wholesaling in Los Angeles or Southern CA? mewdswing107 years 34 weeks ago
10 Unit Apartment jackk09117 years 41 weeks ago
Rehab Estimator TRSD37 years 50 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi There

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest.


Welcome Thomas

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Deans board. We are all like one big family here on the board. We help each other and ask many questions.
If you will fill out your profile and let everyone know all about you and where you are from...chances are you will find someone living close to you that you can network with and give each other support and knowledge. That is what it is all about in this business.
Dean has provided a great tool here for each of us to become wealthy and several here on the board have became very wealthy...I have watched them go from nothing to where they are today. Personally I have wholesaled 21 cash deals since I started a couple years ago. Get in here and take advantage of all these great resources and new real estate friends and make a drastic change in your life too. I look forward to hearing about your first deal. You can do it! I am cheering for you!


I was looking for a partner in the Georgia area and was wondering if you would be interested?



kellyserpico's picture

I am in Northern Georgia and am looking for buyers of homes that can be used for weekend getaways to weekly/monthly vacations. We have no problem finding deals, just finding real buyers. Any interest in pursuing?

Hi...Not interested at this

TRSD's picture

Hi...Not interested at this time but if I come across someone who would be a fit for you in that area, maybe we could put something together.

Welcome aboard

keb64's picture

Welcome to the site and the family. Take some time and do your bio so we know who you are and what it is you want from the site. Contact me if you are in need of one on one mentoring.


Thanks, Sissy! Where do I go to fill out the profile?

next please

ive got agents sending me properties
id like to get my googlr message active!
I feel i need my buyers list
do i only find one in chicago and seattle?
please help

Hello earning points just strating in RE

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Im loving the learning factor im focusing in on a daily basis.

Thanks dean and DG family for all your support.
God bless

Please add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

Check out my website

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Hey this is my website create an account asap also watch the video asap.

Thanks Smiling
God bless you always.


salsadancer's picture


Thanks for the advise. Will follow up.
