2nd Ad Response!

I got my second ad response this afternoon! The call went much better this time, although I didn't get much information from the potential investor, other than that he is looking to pay cash if it's inside his budget (or some type of owner financing if it's outside his budget) and to give him a call with what I find. He seemed very enthusiastic to meet me and hear what I have to offer, but he declined to give specifics when I asked him about what type of properties he looks for. So I'll consider it a half-victory. I definitely need more practice with controlling the flow of conversation, which is why I wasn't able to fully qualify this investor with all the information from the forms. However I feel really good about the conversation because the door was left open for further communication, which means I get to follow up and learn more information about him in the future.

Thanks for all the help and support everyone! This support network really helps to get over that first big hurdle of putting yourself out there.

Keep up the calls !

Good job ! You will get better with each call. I used to role play with a friend pretending they are the seller. I also used to cold call sellers in the local paper just to get comfortable with talking with buyers, investors and sellers.

Keep those calls coming in !

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