Bandit Sign Invasion!

I just made my bandit signs and put them out at 8PM Friday evening. I'm planning on picking them up Sunday evening as my city ordinance seems to frown upon this type of advertising. Oh well... I am interested to see how they do and excited to return some calls! Here's to a busy weekend!


what area are you putting them up in?? town/state? thanks!

Way to take action !

You have encouraged me to put some signs out. Just got to becareful. In some cities its considered a class 3 littering misdemeanor.

Some city codes departments take it very serious. So just have to becareful.

post weekend update.

brett_s's picture

So I only put out 3 bandit signs to test the "waters". One sign was taken down/stolen/removed, and the other 2 broken off the post and were laying on the ground! I guess the wind got to them. I definitely need to reinforce and secure them to the post better (I only used 3 screws). Needless to say, I didn't get any calls this weekend, most likely because my signs were down for the majority of the time (too busy Saturday to check, so I'm not sure when they fell). Oh well, that's why I only put out 3!

When I put them out, I noticed and placed my signs near some other rogue advertising signs for businesses with physical locations, so that made me feel better as it would be easier to find and fine them. I'll keep you updated on any developments (ie. getting a call from the city today, etc.).

Good luck with your signs, and remember that knowledge only pays off IF, AND ONLY IF it is paired with taking action (which is where the vast majority of people get tripped up, and stop). Once you take action, you are already surpassing the majority of "motivated" people, so be proud of yourself for doing so, it takes guts!

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