LandCzar's blog

Deals aren't found. They are created...

I wanted to chat about finding deals today. There have been occasions where a deal wasn't a deal at all when I put it on contract. However I cashed in huge later on because I was willing to work with the seller and listen to their needs.

A deal is made. It's not found. You make a deal out of thin air by talking to the seller and taking the time to find out what it is they need. I have one on contract now we'll use as an example.

There's a house just outside of a town in Missouri. An older woman owns it. It needs NO WORK WHATSOEVER. In fact it has many new updates and features. The woman's daughter calls me up and says we need to sell this thing. It's been with an agent, it hasn't even had a bite.

- I said well why do you need to sell?

Website: Saves time, money and it works 24/7

A website is a great tool! A website is your friend. It works 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. It provides a central focal point for your business. It gathers everything in one place.

I used to advertise for...
-bird dogs

Now all I advertise is my website. It cut down tremendously on my time and effort. It also saves your investors and buyers time and effort as well. There's nothing better

One contract brings 3 other leads...

One thing you always need to do is let people know you pay a referral fee. ALWAYS. I presently have more deals in my inbox than time to analyze. This is a great problem to have.

ShortSale gimme... New agent... 2 new team members... more buyers. ONE PHONE CALL!!!

First let me start by saying I have NEVER done a short sale in my life. However, in my marketing I have come across 2 of them in the last 2 weeks. Go figure. I am swamped with wholesale deals. I have 14 deals I am working on including 4 contracts, and 2 shortsales. Not to mention I have 18 deals in my inbox that I just haven't had time to get to (It's already 10:30pm here).

Yesterday I marketed for a shortsale expert. Today 2 called. One was an agent who does nothing but shortsales, he has a team including negotiating attorney's. Pretty cool, I can't wait to use him when we're marching fulltime on shortsales. The other was a wholesaler I have talked to already.

Bandit Signs 101

Black and Yellow seem to work good. I have had good results with blue and white as well and if you check they swear by blue and white. I'll go ahead and put out a book on this right now since I've owned 2 marketing companies and put out literally 100's of these all over StL every month. It's about putting them out and keeping them up. Marketing, marketing, marketing.

1.. Keep it short and simple as mentioned above. I don't even put my website on bandit signs.

2.. Smalls signs for slow traffic areas. Mainly residential. 12x18. These are cheaper.

3.. Larger signs for faster traffic areas. Business or commercial. 18x24. These signs are more expensive.

PRE-TRAINED BIRD DOGS?! I can't believe I'm giving this HOT TIP away!!! Free money for anyone who is out there taking action!

It's no secret in Real Estate you need to be automated. The more automation the better. I believe Dean's latest product even featured a piece on human automation. That's how important it is.

Let talk bird dogs. Bird dogs are people who hunt properties for you and only get paid when YOU get paid. That's a pretty awesome concept in itself. Think about it. They are driving for dollars for YOU! Now I pay my bird dogs 15% of my total profit on a deal. They're exceptionally good though. I have no idea what the going rate is, all I know is it would **** of a real estate agent if they knew how much some of my bird dogs made on deals vs their commission if were sold retail. Smiling

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